Friday, December 9, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

*New Toys*

As Salam n Hola peeps!

First of all...I would like to wish all Muslim "Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha and enjoy your Raya friends.."

Just wanna share wz u guys abt my new toys.Just bought an iPad 2 wz wifi+3g.Hehe...Am I satisfied?Of course I am!!!I also hv bought another toy for myself but I'll tell u guys later.Let's make it a surprise.

I'll post a pic maybe in my next entry.Still hv quite things to learn for this new gadget.

Se you guys later!!!


Thursday, October 27, 2011


Latelyni mls nk blog in english so layanjelah B.Melayuni yer.. :)

By this week aku n ofcmate lain akan pindah ke ofc bru.Tak jauh,just seberang jlnjer.Tp jauh jgklah sbb ade yg kena naik trn jejantas.Pheww..sian korang.

As u know,my ofc BSC dh bkn under distribution effective 20th Oct aritu.We all now dh under Customer Experience-E Comm.So,skrgni dh dpt Boss2 bru,ofcmate baru,ofc bru.

Big Boss we all xpnh keje dgn dia.Akupun pnh jumpa skali duaje masa project SITA cutover last 2 yrs.Itujelah..Boss yg kedua,smua dh kenal.Akupun dh kenal.Tp xpnh keje dgn dia jgk.Kwnpun dlm FB.hehe..Blhke kwn dgn Boss dlm FB?Mak okjer.But he's good.Tgk cara dia bekerja mmg ok.

Ofc bru nnti kt level 3 and no lift ok.I repeat..NO lift!Hamek kau!Lpsni smua BFF dgn tangga tau.As long dpt lost weight I okjer..hehe..

But,ape yg aku dgn yg lain hrpkan..semoga dgn Boss2 baru dan tpt bru nnti rezeki akan bertambah baik.Kejepun mtk2 smua ok.Insya'Allah..

Itujelah buat masa.Esok keje pg.Lusa dh kena siap2 packing pindah ofc bru.

"Good Luck every0ne!"

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


As Salam n Hola smua!

Bruje lps solat Isyak dlm bilik.Tetiba teringat pd 1 phone call last week if xsilap.

Ade kwn suggest utk tlg seorg Hamba Allah ni dlm erti kata lain, mcm kerja dgn dialah.So,akupun ckp okjer sbb kwn yg suggest.Keje ape?Biarlah rahsia..Akupun xbp kenal mamatni sbb kwn kpd kwnkan.

Tp kwn aku ckp diani mood xtentu,tiba2 blh hangin xtentu psl.Akupun mcm was2 je nk keje dgn dia sbb org mcmni susah nk predict.Aku sdiripun jenis yg m0ody.Tp aku test dulu mana tau ok.Sedia xsedia,try luckla kan.

Bruje a few days tlg dia..dgn tiba2 mamatni call aku masa aku kt ofc.Ingatkan nk discuss psl kejeke TETAPI dgn sewenang-wenangnya dia yelling2 kt aku dlm phonetu!Dlm erti kata lain menjerit2 mcm org meroyan!

Haishhh!Tokojut betoi den dongar.Kau saper nk jerit2 kt aku?Cukup baiklah aku nk tlg kau tau.Itupun kau xucap tq.Benda kecikpun nk jerit2.Tak professional langsung.Nsb baik kwn aku dh warning awal2..klu tak, mmg terbakar aku buat mamat tu.

So,at the end aku canxje nk keje dgn dia.Tak spai sminggu dh kena sembur,blum sbln lg.Hbs air liur kena muka kut! :D

"Hei encik.That yelling2 tu mmg xbest tau.Pegi cari staff lain."

Dgr citer,mamat tu dh dpt staff bru.Hurmm..good lucklah pd staff tu.Jgn kena mcm aku sudah.

Ckp psl baru,by next week maybe aku dh ddk ofc baru.We continue next entry okey!

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Friday, October 7, 2011

^^English Lunch with Ibu^^

Last 28th Sep was my mom birthday but seems I was a bit busy I didn't managed to celebrate it.But yesterday I have brought her to lunch and it was on me.At first, I was not sure where to go but suddenly I remember there were a restaurant just nearby that I've waiting to try.

So,we decided to go to Windmill Restaurant located in Shah Alam Mall Section 9. When we arrived, they still serve their Lunch Set even though the time already past 0200pm. Me and my mom decided just to order lunch set seems it was our 1st time here.Don't wanna go hassle with all the menu actually..hehe...

I had Lemon Chicken Chop and my mom chose Sweet and Sour Chicken+Rice.All set is serve with Ice Lemon Tea (chg to hot drink will add RM1),Soup of the Day and Dessert (chg to other dessert will add RM1).They also serve you with Appetizer that is Bread and butter.

The food was not bad and the price really berbaloi!We were so fulled and satisfied!Believe it or not..all the food above only cost me total RM32.80 nett!Hahaha...

Enjoy the pics ya!


^^BSC Open House 2011^^

As you all know Syawal has leaves us about more than a week.I just wanna share a lots lots of picture that I've took during our Raya Open House last week.

It was held at our BSC HelpDesk office with many special guests.The event started at 1200 noon till evening.Seems it was on Friday, so we let all the gentleman enjoy their lunch before they went to Friday prayer.

Check!Check!Check it out!!!

The dishes

BSC Family

Muka tak tentu arah masing2 :D


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Auditory Canal Swelled Again

As Salam n Hola people!

Just got back from clinic.My ear is swelling again.Yes, its the same my right ear. I can't remember when was the last time it swelled. Maybe 4-5 years ago? And now its happening again.Its hurt and sometimes its affect my back neck as well.

The doctor gave me antibiotics and pain killer.She can't give the ear drop to avoid it go direct to my eardrum.Huhu..Owh my ear.Pls get well soon. Mommy need you.

If you can't really imagine what really happened in my ear, check out the pic below. The one that swelling is the AUDITORY CANAL. When this CANAL swelled, it will affect the EARDRUM too. :(


Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

As Salam n Hola people...
Looks like very the oldies right?hehe...
I think its not too late for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim all over the world.So, how was your Raya?Me?As normal...working with my others colleague.

 I only managed to go back to Rawang on the 2nd Raya then off to my Pak Anjang house.The next day back to work again.

But since yesterday (Mon,5th Sept) till this Thu I've started my leave.Need my rest before heading to *** this coming 24th Sept..Insya'Allah.My all things will running smoothly as it plan.

Btw,I didn't took many Raya pics this year.The one that I have only the one in the office.
Enjoy your Raya people.

Be safe and be good.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Biskut Raya Mode Part II

As Salam n Hola people!

Another nite for biskut raya yesterday.This time I've made Biskut Kopi (Coffee Cookies).Started from midnite till 4am.Phewww..!Nasib sodap! :D

I'll continue my cornflakes cookies this Friday and next week maybe will do the choc cornflakes.

Enjoy d pic guys!


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Friday, August 12, 2011

~As I Predicted It Happens~

Once again I walk through this lonely road
That is so familiar to me

I thought I found the one I've been looking for
But he is the one who crashes my soul

Enough of the broken heart
Enough off all the sufferings

And I do want to be plagued by feeling of missing you
Cause it kills me at the end

As I predicted it happens
Failed once again
Adding to the existing wounds

As I predicted it happens
Love come and go
Maybe it was fated that I'll always be alone

Apparently my last hope is just the same
With the one before him

Let me live without fondling of love
Let everyone know I'm despair

As I predicted it happens
Failed once again
Adding to the existing wounds

As I predicted it happens
Love come and go
Maybe it was fated that I'll always be alone
Could it be fate that i always be alone
Accompanied by loneliness

Every night for sure I reminisce
The happy memories
For sure that is all that can I have
And maybe for the rest of my life I'll be dreaming

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Biskut Raya Mo0d

As Salam n Hola people!

Today is the 7th day of has been a week.But I'm not gonna story mory about fasting this time.

Last nite after got back frm ofc I've decided to bake biskut raya (cookies).Hehe..Actually it was just a testing since its a new recipe.But the result was not bad!Me impressed myself!Hahaha..

I'd started around 0015am and finish at 0330am.Pheww..After took a short nap for 1 hour and woke up for sahur.I'd given my family incl the 3 Abdul's to taste my biskut raya and they said its good.Yeahooo!

Will do it again Insya'Allah utk 2 balang lg.Hehe..

"Selamat berbuka puasa semua..Jgn membazir yer!"

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Aktiviti Bulan Puasa

As Salam semua..

Arini dh msk 3 hari kita berpuasa.Alhamdulillah sy masih xtggl puasa lg.Tp ade 1 perkara yg membuatkan sy masih rasa bersalah.Ape yer?Rasenyer xpyhlah citer kt sini.

Skrgni sy tgh tgk rancangan 5 Rencah 5 Rasa.Ulangan kut sbb skrg dh dkt pkl 0100 pg.Pandai btl anak cina ni msk!

Ckp psl puasani sy teringat psl hal smlm.Halnyer sy berbuka kt ofc.Mtk tlgla kwn blikan murtabak dgn kuih skt kt bazaar.Lps bukaje perut dh rase lain mcm.Igtkan msk anginke ape sbb rasa sebu dan senakje.Spai umah mlm td rasetu xilang lg.Bila nk tido sy sapulah myk angin nk rase lega.Alih2 xblh tido spaila ke sahur sbb perut meragam.Huhhhhh!Masa sahur pg tdpun biler mkn mcm xrase sbb menahan skt.

Nsb baikla biler bgn tido nk gi keje skt tu dh ilang..Phewww!Alhamdulillah!Lpsni taubat klu bli kt bazaar kena tgk btl2 gerai yg mjualtu.

Td buka ape?Td buka pasembor dgn rangka ayam kongsi dgn Kiki. :) Esok?Insya'Allah Kiki nk masak katanyer..hehe..

Go0d nite!

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Party makan-makan @ BSC HDesk

Hi u all!!!

Tetiba rasa sgt rajin nak mengupdate blog skrg.Maybe sbb lepas sahur xtau nk buat ape. :)

Okla..Sy update skt ape yg jd last week.Last Wednesday 27thJul we all ade buat mkn2 @ ofc we all.Sempena nk sambut Ramadhan dan bersyukur dgn semua kebaikan yg telah berlaku.Apa?Igt ofc korangjeke ade mkn2???

Mcm2 menu ade..

Yani-Kuah lodeh
Kak Y-Pau aneka rasa
K.Fizza-Ayam grg
K.Lin-Asam pedam+telur masin
Niki-Sambal ikan bilis
K.Nik-Rendang ayam
K.Feruz-Bingka ubi
Arip-Nasi impit
Erni-bihun grg
Ezra-Kek batik
Ee-Aiskrim Haagen Daz
Kimmy-Roti jala + kari ayam
Saya-Choc cupcakes

Fuhhh!Mmg byk gilerkan makanan???Saya spaipun dlm pkl 5ptg sbb offday masatu.Spai2 mmg perut tgh lapar giler.Trs melayankan diri dgn bihun,roti jala,nasi impit,aiskrim..Itupun dh full!Smuanya sedap2 belaka. :) Seluar yg longgar tetiba ketat lak.hehe..

Dh mkn,we all lepak2,borak2 ade yg tapau bwk blk.Saya just tapau roti jalaje sbb mkanan yg lain mls nk bungkus!Dlm pkl 8 bru gerak dr ofc.Dh mcm rayalak sbb mkn nasi impit dgn rendang ayam masatu.

Ape2pun silalah enjoy gbr saya n ofcmates yg suke sgt mkn walau di mana kami berada. :D

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Girls Night Out

Hi all...

It is Ramadhan n0w.I've decided to stay away frm my FB during this fasting month.Been tired of it.

Last Friday me and my ofcmates hv decided to dinner at HRC KL but the bad news was, one of my girlfriend didn't do the reservation and end up we not able to get a table that nite. :( Then we decided to go to Chilli's KLCC but the waiting list was too long and same goes at La Bodega Pavilion.

The last choice was to eat at San Francisco Steakhouse KLCC and it was a BAD choice!That will be d 1st and d last I eat there!No m0re girls!

After that we decided to watch live band at HRC but we don't hv much time left since I've to w0rk on that nite.Huh..So,RM40 for half an hour show is not worth it at all.At the end we all just go home, but for me and my other gf,we both hv to go to work.

Next time pls do RESERVATION girls! :)

Till then.."Selamat Berpuasa" and Be Go0d everyone.

Ohh..Check out our pic.


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Saturday, July 23, 2011

~I'm officially heart broken~

Hi guys..

Yup.I'm now officially heart broken.Being heard someone that I love said something that really makes my heart broken to thousand pieces..

I've spent too many years to make him happy wz me but it wasn't enough for him.And last night he have said those words.

I'm so hurt, deeply hurt..Masya'Allah..berat sungguh dugaan ini.

I've cried non stop last night till my eyes got swollen.And now I'm still sad..He broke my heart twice.

My heart so empty.Everything I do,I see seems like nothing.I don't know what to do.Feels like giving up with my life.

I will try,Insya'Allah to get my life back.

"Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life."


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

~Tak sudah-sudah~

Dear People,

Actually this meant for 1 person only.

Please change your attitude..Hurmm..Tulis Melayulakan lg besh! :)

Mtk tlglah ubah perangai awaktu.Dr dulu spai skrg xubah2.Masih dgn ego,bongkak,ckp besar dan perasan bagus.Sayapun bknlah bagus sgt,bukanlah baik sgt,bukan nk berlagak angelpun tp klu mulut berckp xpnh nk fikir hati n perasaan org lain saperlah yg sukekan?

Mmglah dpn2 org xckp tp makan dlm yer.Kita kenalah ddk di bumi nyata.Berdiri sama tinggi duduk sama rendah.Jgn terlalu menDABIK dada dgn ape yg kita ade skrg.Klu kita rasa kita bagus,ade org lain 10x lg bagus dr kita.Jd jgn terlalu berlagak dgn org lain.

"Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia" Mmg btl, tp yg hilangnyer skrg jati diri Melayu.Mulut berbuih-buih ckp "Aku Melayu!Aku Melayu!"Tp setakat kt mulutjelah..Bila ditengok semula perangai msg2,xdelah Melayupun.

Klu diteruskan perangai mcmtu,spai biler2pun awak kekal mcmtu.Jadi kesimpulannyer,sebelum nk berckp ttg perangai org lain,kita tgk dulu diri sdiri.

Xde saper yg sempurna.Sayapun xsempurna.Jadi.."Tepuk dada tanya selera"

As Salam...

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME!!!

As Salam n Hola people!

Yes..The time has come.2806.Happy Birthday SHIDA!May all the joy and happiness be with me as well may all my dream will come true...Insya'Allah..

Where's my gift?I want my gift!!!


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

~Tarikh Keramat @ 2806~

As Salam n Hola people..

Tau tak tarikh apetu?28June...hehe...Ape lgkan?Its my birth date la...Yg ke berapa Shida ek?Hurmm..Pandai2lah you all cari. :D

Last year xsambut apepun..coz not in the mood nk happening.Hehe..But this year xsurela.Actually it should be my offday so xpayahla nk apply leave lg.But last minute boss bgtau kena attend course plk.Huh...Mencik!Suka buat mcmni tau!

Anyway...saper2 yg baik hati nk bg saya birthday present tu blhla bg salah satu di bawah ni:

1- Cash to bank-in in my account ( account nr adekan..hehe..)
2- PlayBook by Blackberry
3-Holiday package ( incl Spain )

Itujelah kut.Tak bykpun...hehe..Itupun klu ade saper2 yg baik hati nk bgkan.

Oklah!That's all for n0w!I'll see ya in next blog!

P/s:MakSu bru dpt anak buah baru...Girl plk kalini. :D


~Been a while~

Salam n Hola to all...

Yup!Its been a while i haven't update anything here.I was not in the mo0d into writing lately but now I'm back and will try to update with you guys..

Will see ya in the next blog ya!

Much much LOVE!


Friday, March 25, 2011


Hola people!


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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Hola people!

Someone have deleted me from the BB list. Its okey, I'm used to it. Good luck and all the best in everything.


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Monday, March 21, 2011

~Hujung Minggu~

As Salam n Hola semua..!

Setelah sminggu bekerja ptg, semalam bru dpt off day 1 ari.Itupun rasa mcm skjpje.Pg bangun terus pergi umah Umi sbb dh janji dgn Mencot nk tgk baby baru.Itupun dh lambat,tgh siap2 tetiba si Mencot dh spai dpn umah.We both lepak2 umah Umi spai pkl 1.Nama baby dia Hamzah Qayyum.Masa spai dia tgh tido spaila we both nk blk dia still tido.Tahniah Umi!!!

Balik dr umah Umi terus ikut Abang n Co's gi kluar lunch.Konon plan nk gi mkn kt MonRods.Excited terlebihni!Dh terbayang2 makanan dia dgn air2 dia skali!Alih2 spai2 je tutup!!!Tidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkk!Kenapa dia tutup?!!!Frustrated betul tau!So,we all pusing2 Shah Alam cari kedai mkn yg agak2 best.We all pusing spai kwsn tasik.Tetiba ternampak lak 1 tempat mkn ni nama dia Anta Batura.Before semua trn, aku check dulu makanan ape yg dia jual.Tgk mcm okje,so we all smua makanlah kt situ.Boleh tahanla tempat tu.Sesaper yg nk sewa naik bot or kayak pun ade kt situ.Tapi smlm aku xnaikla sbb ari ujan..

Dh kenyang blk umah,ape lg smua membuta!Mata msg2 mmg dh xblh blah tambah lak dgn ujan lg.Nasib terjaga pkl 7.Hehe..Mandi2 lepastu standby nk tgk bola.Malam td game Sunderland vs Liverpool.It was a superb game!We've won 0-2,scored by Kuyt (penalty) and Suarez!

Check out the pics.They celebrate the goals with the Baby Rock dancing dedicated to Lucas for his new born baby Pedro!How cute was that!Love my Liverpool!Keep it up REDS!We need to be in the top 4!



Tuesday, March 15, 2011


As Salam n Hola people!

Today is 15th Mar 2011 and today is LIVERPOOL FC birthday!!!Yeayyyyyy....Jom tiup lilin ramai2..

LFC was born on 15th Mar 1892.Wowwww...!No words can describe if I were there during that time!

So REDS...


Here's the cake! :D



Thursday, March 10, 2011


As Salam n Hola people...

Last nite I've watched this movie called Everybody's Fine.Starring Robert De Niro,Drew Barrymore n Kate Beckinsale.Its about a father who traveled frm 1 city to another city just to see his child's after the death of his wife.

He wants his children's to come home for Christmas so they can have a family time together.It was an emotional movie and its remind me to my late Father..Miss U.

*If you ask me,I'll just say..Everybody's Fine.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

~Talking To The Moon~

Hola guys...

I've falling in love with someone now.Yup,seriously falling in love.He such a talented guy.

His name is Bruno Mars. :) Gotcha!!!

Have u listen to one of his number Talking To The Moon?Goshhhh!Its a very emotionally beautiful song.I keep play it over n over again in my BB.Even when I sleep..

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have


At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know

Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back


At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Try to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh

Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you

In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

*Gonna date with Mr Moon tonight and 'him' as well..


Thursday, March 3, 2011

~Let's Play Cooking and Baking~

Hola people!!!

A full week!Yup!Been busy with cooking and baking at home.I love my kitchen.Actually my mom's kitchen.Mom busy with her lauk pauk while me with baking!

Last Monday I've made a Millionaire Shortbread!This is my all time favorite.I've ate it somewhere and not sure when was that and love it so much!So I decided to make my own.Got the recipe from You Tube and just follow the video. :) A fast and cheap way on how to learn to cook!The taste was awesome and my family and friends love it so much!So happylaaaaa..~lalalalala~

This evening I've made my own Baked Pasta.Yummy..!It taste good as well.My 3 Abdul seems can't stop eat it.It's so easy to do.I've got the recipe from

So,tomorrow I plan to bake chocolate cake and red velvet cake.My mom ask me to do because she want to bring to kampung.Hopefully it will turns out well and taste good!I'll be on leave from tomorrow till Sunday.Balik kampung coz we gonna have Kenduri Cukur Jambul for Baby Rumi and his nephew ( forget her namela...).When was the last time me balik kampung?Hurmm..Can't recall la..Sorry ye..Been busy with my life.

I'm gonna leave you guys with my Millionaire Shortbread and Baked Pasta..but pics only!Till then.."Te queiro.."

Millionaire Shortbread

Baked Pasta

Dh potong..!



Hola people..

Yeah..I'm back.Been on and off wz blogging nowadays.Just not in d mood to jot down anything.Just keep it all in my mind.

But there's 1 thing have grabbed my attention last night.Unsatisfied people or maybe should I call them "Unsatisfied Team"?I guess I'll call them by that name.

When a team is running by a bunch of losers, what do you expect?A bunch of unsatisfied people?A bunch of task that u should do but u pass to someone else?And that "someone else" is a bunch of people that does know how to work and doesn't take advantage to others team.Trust me, I've done my observation and still doing it.

When will you going to stop this kind of attitude guys?Working in d same 'door' but feels like working on our own.Politics is everywhere.Why can u just go with the flow or the rules?

Bear this on our mind.Don't be so selfish when it comes to work.Do it for the sake of everyone and not only yourself!People have become so greedy nowadays.They want Name,Big Position but let other people do their job.This is what I call "GILA KUASA".

I'm speak what I feel and I'm write what I think.If you think this is harsh,think what you've done.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Monday, February 21, 2011

~KemasKini Update Actualizacion~

Hola people!

Its been a while I didn't jot anything here.Been away,away from blog actually.Don't have any appetite or mood to write anything.Has forced myself but still..empty.

I'm gonna write what happened lately.Many things has happened.The good,the bad,the sad,the not so good..macam2lah!

Okey.First thing first.

1 - Torres moved to chelsea.

Perghhhh!What a sad sad sad very sad news to all the KOPities including me!We can accept his movement but not to our rivals!Its better if u move to Barca or Real Madrid.Mmg sentap giler bila dgr beritani.Huhu...sedih mmg sedih but The REDS need to move on with or without the El Nino.I will support u individually but not wz ur new club.

2 - Suarez & Carrol Join REDS.
After been so sad due to Torres departure but now I can smile again after Suarez n Carrol join the REDS.Yessss!One out two in!Good choice Kenny.Suarez is wearing Kenny Number 7 shirt and Carrol will be our new Number 9!Torres...pi main jauh2 dgn kwn2 baru!As Kenny said.."No player are bigger than the Club."

3 - Liverpool Up Up and Away.

The REDS has played 6 games without lose and 5 clean sheet for Reina!Thanks to King Kenny and Steve Clarke for bring back the confident in the players.Though we still aim the 4th place in Premier League but I know we can do it!We will have our spot in The Champion League next year.

4 - Suarez Perfect Debut.

Suarez has played for only 20 minutes in 2nd half and he already scored!This was during the game with Wolves.The REDS won 2-0 goal by Meireles n Suarez.I'm starting to like our new number 7!We call him El Pistolero aka Gunman!

5 - Bake!Bake!Bake!

My baking skill has improved a bit.Hehe..Practise make perfect.For the time being I'm taking a break till end of this month.So now I only search new recipes to add in my collections.Will choose the best one and bake it!

What else?Buat masani ini sahaja yg teringat nk tulis.The rest,later2je la..

Ok people..Adios amigos!


Saturday, January 29, 2011


Hari ini hari yang sangat-sangat sedih buat saya.Ada 3 perkara yg membuatkan saya sgt hilang mood dari pagi tadi sampai dh mlmni.

Hatini mcm nk meraung kuat-kuat.Dh rasa give up sgt nk buat semua benda.Saya sendiri tak pasti ape yg saya perlukan skrg.

"I'm lucky enough to be born but born not to be lucky enough."

Hati pecah.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Olaaaaaaaaaa peeps!

WohOooOoo!!!I've my own reason to feel happy tonite!1st Rafael Nadal qualified to next round in Australian Open.Pheww..What a tough game with Tom.Even he just 18 yrs old,but he makes Nadal played really hard!Buena suerte Nadal!

And 2nd is my REDS won just now vs Wolves!Yeayyyyyy..3-0.Two from Torres and one frm Meireles.Good game guys!Pls keep it up and back on the Top 4!In Kenny we trust!#YNWA.

Now Arsenal game is on..Will check it out after this.

Remember..I'm the Kopities.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~Permulaan yg Kurang Baik~

Salam n Ola smua...

Sudah hampir sebulan kita di tahun 2011.So,how was your new year started?Alhamdulillah,sy ok.

Cuma sepanjang bulan Jan ni kesihatan xbp ok.Latelyni I'm not feeling very well.Asyik xsihatje.Even now pun masih xbrp ok.Siang td lps blk keje trs flat but still kena pick up 2 Abdul kt skolah.After picked them up,terus rest!

Hopefully will recovered frm all this sickness soon.Ssh nk keje and buat benda lain.As far as I remember,the last time I had a fever or feel very2 sick was like..can't rememberla!!!Mmg dh lama.

Ok guys.I think that's all for now.Got to go to la la land after this.Sgt xlarat...

Hasta manana and buenas noches!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Monday, January 17, 2011

~Got to Stop!~

Buenas noches guys!

Yup.Its already 0045am 17th Jan and I'm still awake.Can't sleep!I've just done some light exercise,but still awake..huh!

Anyway,u guys should hv heard d news abt FB going to shut down in Mar.I'm kind of agreed with it.Maybe,nowadays people hv wrongly used it.They forgot the subject with this FB thing.No more FB to me.Soon,I will start delete all my pic albums as well remove some of d friends that I don't even know!

To me,this FB things hv makes me un-focus to my job.Lately,I saw most of them was like..wanted d world to know what they hv but other ppl don't.U get it?I hope so.No heart feeling guys,but its happened.That's why I've decided just lay back n enjoy d show.

Call me old fashion,but it seems like we were depend so much with the IT things nowadays.Is not that I don't agree wz all d IT style.I do hv BB,laptop that I can't live without, but don't u guys feel like its too much?iPad,Galaxy Tab,PlayBook(I want it!),Acer also hv one right?Too much is not good for everything.

I miss the public phones,letters,air mail,love notes(not sms!)...All this was a sweet memories to me.Back to basic.

Good nite & sweet dream!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

~Goodbye Roy,Welcome Back King Kenny~

Salam n Ola to everyone!

As you all know I'm a die hard fans of Liverpool.Though they not been so good this season but still, I will always support my REDS..because I'm the Kopities!

Yup,we heard the news.Roy Hodgson have left Anfield yesterday..finally.I'm not sure whether I'm happy that he left or I'm not happy.It has been a very 6 difficult months to him as a Manager of the club.He tried his best but it was just not working to him.Wish you all the best in your future Mr Hodgson!And who's the replacement????Who else others than our KING KENNY!Hails to the King.His back and his gonna bring back the glories to Anfield.

Check out the full story taken from the Official Liverpool site.

Liverpool FC confirmed today that manager Roy Hodgson has left the club by mutual consent.

Principal Owner John Henry commented: "We are grateful for Roy's efforts over the past six months, but both parties thought it in the best interests of the club that he stand down from his position as team manager. We wish him all the best for the future."

Roy Hodgson said: "Being asked to manage Liverpool Football Club was a great privilege. Any manager would be honoured to manage a club with such an incredible history, such embedded tradition and such an amazing set of fans. Liverpool is one of the great clubs in world football. I have, however, found the last few months some of the most challenging of my career. I am very sad not to have been able to put my stamp on the squad, to be given the time to bring new players into the club in this transfer window and to have been able to be part of the rebuilding process at Liverpool. The club has some great, world-class players, with whom it has been a pleasure to work and I wish the entire squad well for the rest of the season. I thank those with whom I have built up a close working relationship at the club for their loyalty and support during very testing times, and finally of course to the Liverpool fans, your passion and dedication to the club will see Liverpool at the top of the game once more."

Club legend Kenny Dalglish will assume control of team matters for Sunday's third round FA Cup tie against Manchester United at Old Trafford.

Henry added: "We are delighted that Kenny Dalglish has agreed to step in and manage the team for Sunday's FA Cup tie at Old Trafford and for the remainder of the season.

"Kenny was not just a legendary footballer, he was the third of our three most successful managers - three giants. We are extraordinarily fortunate and grateful that he has decided to step in during the middle of this season."

Chairman Tom Werner said: "No one who cares for this great club has been happy with the way this season has unfolded and we have examined options and considered at length what is best for us going forward. Kenny will bring considerable experience to the position and provide management and leadership for the rest of the season."

And here is the pics in case you guys didn't know them.

The Ex-Manager Roy Hodgson

Our 'King Kenny' Kenny Dalglish.Then n Now.



Thursday, January 6, 2011

~2011 Horoscope~

Ola people!

My friend gave me a copy for my 2011 Chinese Horoscope yesterday.I know we can't believe/depend to it 100% but at least we can take it as a note for ourselves.

Mine, overall is good minus 1 thing that still no luck to me.To tell u d truth,I'm a bit frustrated but well,who knows right?

Hasta mañana..xoxo
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Monday, January 3, 2011

~2011 Movies List~


Berapa byk kali nk Ola daaaa...Sajeje nk hilangkan ngatuk pkl 0330 pagi butani kan!Sbnrnya aku tgh keje mnite.So,dh hampir smua muka surat elektronik aku selak2 kt pc ni.Dan td bruje bukak youtube saje nk tgk movie2 baru utk thn ni.

Utk pengetahuan semua,aku ada buat senarai movie2 yg aku nk tgk utk tahun ni.Tak kisahlah kt wayang or DVD je kan.Asalkan aku tgk!Hehe..Cekidaut guys..

*2011 Movies*

1.Transformers 3 : Dark of the Moon ( minus Megan Fox ku yg dh xde.. :( Sedih tau! )
2.The Rite (citer psl exorcism lakonan Anthony Hopkins)
3.Limitless (ade heroku Robert De Niro & Bradley Cooper)
4.Fast and Furious 5 (sambungan Fast n Furious, ade Vin Diesel & Paul Walker..woo hoo!)
5.Don't Be Afraid of the Dark ( citer seram,I loikeeee!Ade Katie Holmes)
6.The Roommate (seram gakla..ade Leighton Meester-Gossip Girls)
7.Unknown (thriller..ade Liam Neeson.Mcm bestje tgk trailer dia)
8.Breaking Dawn ( 1st Episode after Eclipse..Aisihh!Tak sabar nk nengok nih!)
9.Batman 3 (superhero saper xnk tgk!ade Christian Bale..wowww!)
10.Wolverine 2 (superhero lagik!ade Hugh Jackman..I loikeeeeeee more!)

Oklah..Setakat ni itu yg menarik perhatian aku utk nk menonton.Ada byk sebenarnya tp xsemua ade dlm list tu.But klu u all nk tgk list2 movie yg lain blhla check out movie list site ni.Dari bulan Jan sapaila Dec korang blh check out movie ape yg best!

Enjoy watching guys!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

~Its a wrap!Happy New Year 2011~

Salam n Ola guys!

Wow!Its a wrap u all for 2010 and now its already 2011!Believe it or not.Well..percayajelah!Alhamdulillah sapai jugaku ke tahun ini.

As normal,when new year comes the klise question will be asked "What is your new resolution?"Hurmm..better keep to myself.But I do have a list that I don't want to see or hear in 2011.Cekidaut!

>Don't Want To See/Hear In 2011<

1.PHD everywhere even in myself
2.Couple yg belum tentu kahwin tp over mcm dh kahwin
3.Acara mkn2 yg terlalu byk di sana sini ( nk elak bertambah gemuk sbnrnye!)
4.Bias,berat sebelah,pilih kasih,controversy,gossip everywhere mengalahkan laman web Oh Bulan!
5.My team Liverpool asyik kalahje & terkeluar dr Top 4 BPL!
6.Fabregas getting married.Hahaha!Yg ni #dontwanttosee4eva boleh?
7.Person that I've blocked from my life
8.Tak nak tgk kwn2 sentap sana sini termasuk akulah tu!
9.No more status yg geli2 atau buat aku rasa nk muntah
10.Soalan cepu emas "Bila nk rasa nasi minyakni?"

Ok.Buat masani itu Top 10 yg blh aku fikir n ingat.Klu ade lagi I will add in my next entry.Hopefully 2011 will bring more happiness,loves,joy,glories,friends,peaceful,money and all the good things to us..Insya'Allah.

Dan tahun 2010 telah byk meninggalkan kenangan manis dan pahit buat kita smua.Yg pahit2 tu xpayahlah nk kita kenang sgt.Life goes on.So...move on peeps!Last year I managed to fulfill my resolution that was getting promoted in my job.Syukur.. and this year?Insya'Allah boleh.

2010 jgk telah merajinkan aku utk ke dapur.Hahaha..Masak mcm2 tp yg simple2 jela.If u guys followed my blog u should know kan?2010 jgk telah buat aku terlebih berfikir.Tapi smua aku simpan utk diri sendiri.Mungkin lebih baik..2010 jgk telah menambahkan bilangan anak buah aku!Lahirnya Ahmad Umair Rumi tanggal 29Nov2010.Hehehe..dh berderet deret dh MakSu oii..

So,what's the plan for 2011?Well,let see.Mmg byk.Nk buat tu,buat ni,pegi sana,pegi sini.Aihhh!Macam2 la..Harap2 ade yg tercapai hendaknya.

Akhir kata..

"Feliz año nuevo 2011! Deseo a todos la alegría y la felicidad durante todo el año!Happy new year 2011!Wish u all d joy & happiness thru out d year!"

*Be good,be safe and be positive.*

Much love from me..xoxo