Thursday, October 27, 2011


Latelyni mls nk blog in english so layanjelah B.Melayuni yer.. :)

By this week aku n ofcmate lain akan pindah ke ofc bru.Tak jauh,just seberang jlnjer.Tp jauh jgklah sbb ade yg kena naik trn jejantas.Pheww..sian korang.

As u know,my ofc BSC dh bkn under distribution effective 20th Oct aritu.We all now dh under Customer Experience-E Comm.So,skrgni dh dpt Boss2 bru,ofcmate baru,ofc bru.

Big Boss we all xpnh keje dgn dia.Akupun pnh jumpa skali duaje masa project SITA cutover last 2 yrs.Itujelah..Boss yg kedua,smua dh kenal.Akupun dh kenal.Tp xpnh keje dgn dia jgk.Kwnpun dlm FB.hehe..Blhke kwn dgn Boss dlm FB?Mak okjer.But he's good.Tgk cara dia bekerja mmg ok.

Ofc bru nnti kt level 3 and no lift ok.I repeat..NO lift!Hamek kau!Lpsni smua BFF dgn tangga tau.As long dpt lost weight I okjer..hehe..

But,ape yg aku dgn yg lain hrpkan..semoga dgn Boss2 baru dan tpt bru nnti rezeki akan bertambah baik.Kejepun mtk2 smua ok.Insya'Allah..

Itujelah buat masa.Esok keje pg.Lusa dh kena siap2 packing pindah ofc bru.

"Good Luck every0ne!"

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


As Salam n Hola smua!

Bruje lps solat Isyak dlm bilik.Tetiba teringat pd 1 phone call last week if xsilap.

Ade kwn suggest utk tlg seorg Hamba Allah ni dlm erti kata lain, mcm kerja dgn dialah.So,akupun ckp okjer sbb kwn yg suggest.Keje ape?Biarlah rahsia..Akupun xbp kenal mamatni sbb kwn kpd kwnkan.

Tp kwn aku ckp diani mood xtentu,tiba2 blh hangin xtentu psl.Akupun mcm was2 je nk keje dgn dia sbb org mcmni susah nk predict.Aku sdiripun jenis yg m0ody.Tp aku test dulu mana tau ok.Sedia xsedia,try luckla kan.

Bruje a few days tlg dia..dgn tiba2 mamatni call aku masa aku kt ofc.Ingatkan nk discuss psl kejeke TETAPI dgn sewenang-wenangnya dia yelling2 kt aku dlm phonetu!Dlm erti kata lain menjerit2 mcm org meroyan!

Haishhh!Tokojut betoi den dongar.Kau saper nk jerit2 kt aku?Cukup baiklah aku nk tlg kau tau.Itupun kau xucap tq.Benda kecikpun nk jerit2.Tak professional langsung.Nsb baik kwn aku dh warning awal2..klu tak, mmg terbakar aku buat mamat tu.

So,at the end aku canxje nk keje dgn dia.Tak spai sminggu dh kena sembur,blum sbln lg.Hbs air liur kena muka kut! :D

"Hei encik.That yelling2 tu mmg xbest tau.Pegi cari staff lain."

Dgr citer,mamat tu dh dpt staff bru.Hurmm..good lucklah pd staff tu.Jgn kena mcm aku sudah.

Ckp psl baru,by next week maybe aku dh ddk ofc baru.We continue next entry okey!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Friday, October 7, 2011

^^English Lunch with Ibu^^

Last 28th Sep was my mom birthday but seems I was a bit busy I didn't managed to celebrate it.But yesterday I have brought her to lunch and it was on me.At first, I was not sure where to go but suddenly I remember there were a restaurant just nearby that I've waiting to try.

So,we decided to go to Windmill Restaurant located in Shah Alam Mall Section 9. When we arrived, they still serve their Lunch Set even though the time already past 0200pm. Me and my mom decided just to order lunch set seems it was our 1st time here.Don't wanna go hassle with all the menu actually..hehe...

I had Lemon Chicken Chop and my mom chose Sweet and Sour Chicken+Rice.All set is serve with Ice Lemon Tea (chg to hot drink will add RM1),Soup of the Day and Dessert (chg to other dessert will add RM1).They also serve you with Appetizer that is Bread and butter.

The food was not bad and the price really berbaloi!We were so fulled and satisfied!Believe it or not..all the food above only cost me total RM32.80 nett!Hahaha...

Enjoy the pics ya!


^^BSC Open House 2011^^

As you all know Syawal has leaves us about more than a week.I just wanna share a lots lots of picture that I've took during our Raya Open House last week.

It was held at our BSC HelpDesk office with many special guests.The event started at 1200 noon till evening.Seems it was on Friday, so we let all the gentleman enjoy their lunch before they went to Friday prayer.

Check!Check!Check it out!!!

The dishes

BSC Family

Muka tak tentu arah masing2 :D
