Friday, December 31, 2010


Ola people!

Ok,mcm dh lama tak update blogkan.Skrg sedang meng'enjoy'kan diri cuti2 dr ofc.Hehe..Rase yg sgt disukai oleh smua org!

Ape yg ku buat sepanjang cutini?Hurmm...Kalau tgk title pun u all smua dh tau kan.Krismas pun dh lepas.My bestie Malia aka Mencot pun dh blk dr holiday Europe dia.Klass mu kan!Next time ku nk ikutlah...huhu..

Spaije dia kt Malaysia tercinta ni, the next day masa xmas eve terus we both kluar makan.But Umi xjoin skali coz dia busy tgh cari ayam turkey xmas eve tu!Huh..Org lain raya dia pun sebok jgk nk 'menyemakkan' diri kt lautan KL tuh!Eee..xsanggup aku!Tp itulah Umi..suke sgt shopping mopping nih.. :) Miss u la dear.

Me n Mencot went to Empire Gallery ptgtu.We plan to dinner at Itallianies tp staff tu ckp tutup skjp sbb nk buat ape ntah utk xmas.Memandangkan perut aku n Mencot dh bergurindam lagu xmas yg sgt kuat so we both trs masuk Chilli's.NSb xfull lg.Dh sedap2 aku n Mencot ddk tggu makanan tetiba ramai lak yg Q kt luar nk msk.Pheww...tggulah korang dgn perut yg lapar ek!hehe..

Aku order Beef Ribs wz BBQ sauce n Mencot xingat lak order ape.Hamik kau!Nsbla ku punyer xbyk.Hbs jgkla kan sbb dh kebulur.Sambil2 mkntu we both chatla psl smua benda.Si Mencot citer psl holiday dia,mamat2 hensem kt sana..hehe..Mtk dia bwk blk srg tp xlepas lak kt imigresen.Besar sgt kut!Hahahaha..!Sebagai ole2 dia bg aku 1 tin coklat and 1 key chain gbr Eiffel Tower.Gracias friend!Dh hbs mkn, we both just jln2 je tgk ragam org shopping mcm esok dh xde lg!Klu blh 1 building depa ni nk bli kut..Ish..ish..ish..

Eee..Muka tembam!Tak sukela..

Inilah bestie ku Mencot.hehe.Bdn kecik mkn byk!

Ini ole2 yg diberi minus d key chain.

Owh..FYI, Coach Boutique dh bukak kt Empire tp blum launch lg.Maybe biler launch nnti ramailah celebrity2 dtg kut.We both igt nk msk tgk2,tp mcm xconfidentje.Ahaks..!Kita ade cermin,kita tgklah cermin dulu ye.(Faham2 sdirila..)Ended, we just bought something frm Mark & Spencer then balik.Spai2 umah,my sis in law trs srh order Domino's.Erkkk?Makan lgke????Aichoooooo!Dh bp kali nk mkn ni Shida oi?Tp ku orderjela.Rupa2nye kwn2 abg aku nk dtg,jd sbb xmasak ape orderjelakan..

Esknyer on d xmas day itself aku keje ptg.Last day b4 cuti pjg.PH nye psl sanggup keje 1 arije.hehe..Dan esknye lg on Sunday sepupu aku kahwin.Hurmm..makan lg.Ibuku dh ade kt umah Mak Andak since Friday beforetu.Pagitu me n my bro family spai dlm pkl 1000 lbh.Spai2 trs brunch!Alhamdulillah!Kenyang dan majlis pun selesai dgn lancarnye.Dan spt biasa soalan cepu emas utk ku pd aritu..fhm2jelah kan!Mcm rasa nk buat Press Conference lak masatu sbb ramai sgt 'wartawan2' bertanya. :p Jawapan klise.. "No comment!"

Congrats OL and wifey!

Sekian utk entry kali ini.Lpsni ku sambung lg sbb skrg dh kena siap nk kluar 1 family.Yeay..We gonna have lunch gathering minus Along yg still berpantang!Makan lagi...?hehe..

Adios amigos..xoxo!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

~Cheese Bread - UK Visa - Saya~

Salam n Ola guys..

Lately I've been so passionate with cooking.I've been surfing through website as well blogs to search a new recipe yet simple but delicious!

I've tried baked cupcakes and the rocky road crunchy bar.My family and friends love it!And don't forget my spaghetti meatball with cheese filling..they like it too.Especially my 3 Abdul's.Today I've tried another recipe and I got it from one of my fave blogger.It just a simple recipe, you may try it for breakfast or during evening tea/coffee.

I took the recipe from the beautiful Ms Nani.She's got all this delicious recipe!I've made Cheesy Bread this evening.My mom said it was good and rase mcm pizzapun ade!Tapi xdelah mcm pizza hut or domino's ke.Roti simpleje..hehe..Nk tgk gbr sila scroll ke bwh ek.

Another story I want to share here is about London.Owhh...bukan pasal heavy snow yg sedang melanda skrgni.But about Malaysian need to apply visa to enter UK.I say..what the heck???Selamani senang2je org Malaysia kluar masuk without visa.And now tetiba nk kena ade visalak!And the charges will be MYR1200 if I not mistaken.That's quite a lot of money isn't it???(sambil bercakap dgn english accents!)Konon2la..hehe...Nampak gayanye klu confirm bendani alamat rrtejela ek.

Before I end my story, let we enjoy my beloved nephew pics that I've took a couple of days ago.Hmm..He really thinks he so cute with this pose!!!Ape2jela 'Saya'...


My cheesy bread

'Saya' yg perasan dia comey pose cmni

Lagi 1 pose yg sama..Eee..


Saturday, December 18, 2010

~Wajah Baru vs New Page~

Salam n Ola smua!!!

Dh tengok?Dh tengok?Tengok ape ek?Hehe..Tgk layout bru kitanyer blogla.

Okeylakan..Ni smua keje pg td masa kt ofc.Harini pun xbrp nk bz and tgh rajin,so inilah hasilnyer.Godek punyer godek lappyni spai skt kpala aku dibuatnyer.Telan dua biji panadol lpstu sbg blk.

Tkr gambar,tambah gambar,tambah lagu,tkr background...Ingat nk tkr byk lg tp tulang belakangni dh xmampu nk support badanni utk mengadap lappyku!Mcm biase lagu2 pilihan aku adelah dr bahasa Spanish smuanyer.Aku mmg suka sgt dgn bahasani.Tp since En Azlan dh xde kt ofcni dh xde org nk chit chat in Spanish dgn aku.So,layan srg2 jela. :) Me gusta!

Hmm..New Year just round the corner.Korang dh ade azam baruke?Opps!Azam tahunni dh capaike belum?Aku plk?Later2la kiter story ek.

Owh!Baru teringat.Skrg kt umah aku dh ade Carrefour Supermarket.Lokasinyer di Seksyen 23,Shah Alam.So,td lps keje aku gi amik Ateh n Ammar then trs gi sana.Si Ammar sibuk sgt nk jln2.So,we all pegilah kononnye nk survey tpt bru.Perghh!Mmg full arini,ramai giler org!

Parkingpun mmg senang,kawasan luas.Klu saper2 pernah pegi Uptown Shah Alam mesti tau tptni.Sbb dekat2 situje kawasannya.Another thing,esk Dato Siti Nurhaliza akan dtg ke sini utk merasmikan kaunter Simply Siti.Aku ingat nk tgk esk, tp td abang kauntertu ckp Dato cuma 1 jam je kt sini.So xpayahlahkan..Sure esk lagi ramai org!Lain kalijelah Dato ek.

Sekrgni xsabar2 nk cuti.Long leave nk relax2kan mind n body.Jauhkan dr hingar bingar office.

Till next time,see you soon!!!

Te queiro B!

p/s:Biler nk start recipe bru ek?Cuti nntilah!


Friday, December 17, 2010

~ ^0^ ~

Salam n Ola smua...

Bruje hbs keje mlm arini.Sepatutnye keje ptg,tp sbb mlm xde staff akupun kena tkr roster.Tp 1 mlmjela,arini off.

Dr siang smlm aku skt kpala.Mungkin sbb terkena hujan smlm masa aku kluar dgn Ibu aku.Dhla susah nk kena skt kpala,tp bila dh kena..Perghh!Mcm nk pecah kpalani.Dhtu mlm td igt nk renovatela layout,button blog akuni..Surf punyer surf blog backgroundnye page tp xbuatpun.

Ntah knp perut rase xsedapje,tekak mcm nk muntah.Dhla xblh tido,aku tgk Nora n Kak Fai dh lena dibuat headset!Aku gak yg terkebil2 dpn pc.Jgnlah buat hal badan ye.Mtk2 lps tidoni hilanglah rase2 xsedapni.

Skrg mood keje dh kureng sbb mood cuti dh dtg!Eee..xsabar nk cutini.Rase mcm dh lama sgt keje xcuti2..(Ala2 konon!)Hehe..Lgpun mood aku latelyni xbp baik.Mcm byk gangguan dr hal2 yg xsepatutnya.Cuti nnti nk relaxkan otak,badan,minda smua.

Ahhh..dh sebesar alam mulutni menguap.Dh xblh blah dh matani..!

Till next time.Adios amigos!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

~BBM Group~

Salam n Ola guys!

Como estas everyone?Me estoy bien..

I've received an invitation frm one of my BB Chatter to join a group.In this group most of the members is M*S staffs.Mostly I knew all of them.I'd accepted the invitation but I decided leaving the group after I saw 1-2 names that I tried to avoid.

So guys..No heart feeling okey!I'm in my own world.

Te queiro B!

Buenas noches world!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

~Kek Cawan yg bkn di dalam cawan~

Salam dan Ola smua...

Apekah tajuk di atas?Kek cawan yg bkn di dalam cawan?Hmm...(sambil mengangkat kening sblh).

Ok,skrg makin byk kedai yg menjual kek cawan atau di dalam bahasa omputihnye Cupcakes.Dh mcm cendawan tumbuh selepas ujan (ayat veteran), kt mana2 je kita blh npk kedai2 ni.Termasuklah melalui online skrg.Klu dkt blog mmg melambak-lambak.Ini adelah salah satu cara mudah utk mencari wang lbh sbb nk buat cupcakes bknnye susah dan modalpun xbyk.Klu sesaper yg pandai buat dan rasenye sedap patutlah buat berniaga ye!Mmg xrugi!

Dipendekkan citer,pg td lps hbs keje mnite aku plan nk buat cupcakes.Bahan2 pun dh ade sbb dh bli since last week.Cuma xde masa nk buat.So,before blk sunggah 7E bli butter.Spai umah bfast,layan 3 Abdul jap lpstu Zzzzzzzz spaila pkl 5!Itupun nsb ibu kejut sbb dia tau aku nk wat kek.

Jadi, mulalah prosesnyer utk aku mbuat cupcakes.Fuhhh..1st time ni.Pgtu sempat aku tweet Mona tanyer cmne dia buat frosting.So,dia bgtaula dia tgk ade kt 1 blogtu.Cari punyer cari aku xjumpe lak.At d end, aku gunaje recipe yg aku amik dr youtube.

Start bancuh smua bahan utk kek then nk bakar dlm oven.Rase not bad, aku buat chocolate flavor.Lpstu acara wat frostinglak.Dh siap buat aku bahagi dua sbb nk ade dua color.1 green apple dan 1 lg strawberry.Kek dh masak dan skrg masa utk mencantikkan kek dgn frosting td.Nsb jd..hehe..

Tgh2 syok buat,tetiba 3 Abdul blk!Alamak..hbsla..sure jap gi ramai nk tolong MakSu!Dtg2 dapur,byk benor soalan2 they all tanyer.Alih2,MakSu bg they all tlg taburkan choc rice sbb they all sebok nk tlg.Hmm..nk tgk hasilnye?

Inilah dia!!Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

**Boleh tahan utk 1st timerkan?**

**"Saya" sebok nk tlg MakSu :)**

**Ygni nk bg pd Along esok!**

Nanti lpsni nk cuba recipe lainlak.Dh ade dlm fikiran sbnrnye.Tggu nk cari bahan2 dan masa yg sesuaije utk masak.

Till then, see ya!!!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

~Chef Craziness!~

Salam n Ola guys!

Let's us share about our dream.Hmm...As you all know, I'm now addicted to the cooking show.From baking to anything! So, in this issue I would like to share with you guys about the person or number of person that I would like to meet.Opps..correction.I would LOVE to meet!

Let's start it with...

1. Gordon Ramsay - We know him from Hell's Kitchen and now his back with Master Chef USA.One of the most 'garang' chef we ever seen.

2. Nigella Lawson - Owh..Who doesn't know this Goddess in the kitchen!We can see her in Nigella Express and Nigella Forever Summer.She can almost cook anything!

3. Buddy Valastro - Who doesn't know him???The best cake made ever is from him!Go and watch Cake Boss and I bet you guys will agree with me!Just ask him to do any kind of cake shape,he will do it gorgeously!

4. David Rocco - Hmm..He's is Italian and he knows how to cook.Couldn't agreed more right girls? :) His show is David Rocco Dolce Vita.

5. Anna Olson - I first knew her from her show SUGAR.In this show, she baked just anything!And now she's back with Fresh with Anna Olson.Mostly in this show she cooked food fresh from the garden.

6. Laura Calder - She's French ans she's so gorgeous.I've never see a gorgeous chef like her!She's cook French food and that's why her show called French Food at Home.

7. Michael Smith - A very very perfect chef if you want to learn how to cook.In his show Chef At Home he's explained every ingredients completely and easy for you to understand.And he always cook for his son and wife!

8. Rachel Allen - She's good too.Her show called Rachel Allen Bakes is also show how she teach a group of people to bake.From cakes,pastries just name it.

9. Curtis Stone - Take Home Chef.If you have watch his show you know you have to be prepared while doing some groceries!Coz u know Chef Curtis might bump to you!

10. Bob Blumer - Last but not least.Chef Bob with his toaster RV.He can cook anywhere and anytime!You can watch him in Surreal Gourmet.Nice one! the way I missed to meet Anna Olson live.She was here last 27th Nov and I was busy with the dinner things!Ruginyerrr!!!

That's all for now folks!

Happy weekend!


Thursday, December 9, 2010


Salam n Ola guys!

Yeay..Mari kita main masak-masak!Hehe..Ntah knp tetiba mood nk masak membuak2 mcm lemak tepu kluar dr badan!!!hahaha...

Skrg aku mmg dh addicted dgn program masakan.Lbh2 lg kt Channel AFC & TLC.Klu blh smua program masakan aku nk tgk!Dari program French Food at Home ke Chef at Home ke Surreal Gourmet ke Cake Boss ke David Rocco's Dolce Vita ke Take Home Chef ke Master Chef dan mcm2 lagi!Giler ke tak??!Dan chef yg aku dh fall in love skrg ialah Gordon Ramsay.. :D *blush*

So,Monday aritu aku pegilah bli brg2 keperluan nk masak2 ni dgn Ibu ku.Plan nk masak Spaghetti with Cheese filling Meatball,Rocky Road Crunchy Bar and Cupcakes.Naik geram biler ade kt area masakan dlm supermarket nih!Rase nk bli smuanyer!Kebetulan esoknya PH Maal Hijrah and akupun keje ptg.

Bgn awal pg Selasatu trs masak spaghetti and rocky road.Dalam pkl 1100 tu dah siapla..Cupcakes xbuat lagi sbb still xde masa.So guys..enjoy d pics ek!

~Spaghetti Bolognese with Cheese filling Meatball~

**Meatball wz cheese filling**


**Waiting for the sauce to be well cooked**

**Tadaaa...Dh siap!**

~Rocky Road Crunchy Bar~

**The cooking choc+butter+golden syrup melt together**

**Mix d biscuits and marshmallows with the melted ingredients**

**Put the mixing in 1 container and keep in refrigerator**

**Tadaaa..My Rocky Road Crunchy Bar**

Till then, wait for the next blog for my cupcakes!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

~My new love Ahmad Umair Rumi~

Salam and Ola again guys!

I have a great+good news!!!! My Along have gave birth to a healthy baby boy last 28th Nov 2010 with 3.7kg!!Yeay...Another nephew for me and total now is 12 included nieces!Wow weeee...!

Guess what?My sis in law (3 Abdul mother) is also pregnant now.My bro is hoping to get baby girl since the 3's now is all boys.As for now, I only have 3 nieces.2 is Angah's daughter and 1 is Along's.

The name for the newborn is Ahmad Umair Rumi Bin Ahmad Zaini.Such a beautiful name.. :)

Here some the pics of my new LOVE!Check it out!

**Sleeping my lullaby**



~Dinner 2010 Part II~

Salam n Ola to all!

Como estas?Estoy bien..

As you all know my office had an annual dinner last 27th Nov at the Dorsett Regency Subang.It went well.Here are some of the pics I'd taken during that night.

By the way, the guest artist cum emcee cum performer that night was Adibah Noor.She was awesome!


**Even in ladies pun sempat snap!**
**With gorgeous Kak Y,Jenny and Ezra**
**Us with Adibah Noor!**

**Me with Adibah Noor sister (Kak Fizza) and Kak Lin!**

Te queiro!


Friday, December 3, 2010

~A lil' update~

Salam n Ola guys!

L.A.Z.Y. Yes!That's what I am lately.Especially to updte my blog.This one pun I just updte direct frm my BB.Haha..lazy a**!

Something cross my mind that makes me to write tonite.Since that day(rahsia),I realized someone is changing now.That person now is trying hard to be with that gang.I can see it.I think its funny.U push urself to be with them but I know u not really like them.

Another thing,why there still people yg hati busuk kt muka bumini?!Pls people..Stop being selfish and start to think about d others!I admit I was also one of them but that was looong ago.I can't stand ppl like this.Today u talk abt bla bla bla wz this person and tomorrow u talk abt bla bla bla to a diff ppl.

C'mon guys!Grow up!Mcm nk sound dpn2je spesis mmcni!Sabarjela..The worst part is,this species got too many facesla..Takpela..As long u not disturb my life it shud be ok nut still, I will just watch it.

Till now..hasta luego!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.