Sunday, November 28, 2010

~Dinner 2010~

Ola people!

Last nite was The Distribution Dinner.It was great and I had fun too but to see some familiar faces urghh..spoiled!You know who you are.I just can't lie.I don't like him.You trying hard to be with d people u used to say u don't like.Well..gud luck!My advice to you.."Don't try to fit with people that don't fit you.It will make u look stupid."

More stories in next chapter!

Te queiro B!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Ola people!!

Tomorrow my Ibu will be stay at Along's house till she give birth to her baby as well her 'pantang' day.That's mean I will be 'alone' at home without my Ibu..Warghhhhh!Sgt2 bosan nanti.Mesti mcm mati kutu.

3 Abdul will be send to their nanny house during ketiadaan Ibu ku.Tapi klu aku offday mesti bosan giler sbb srg2 kt rumah.For sure keje aku nnti kemas rumahjela.Ibupun dh pesan awal2 kemas rumah!Who want to make nescafe for me nnti???Klu nk gi umah Along payahlak sbb xpnhla akuni nk igt jalan.Hehe..(akan diusahakan).Nnti blh tgk baby..Insya'Allah.

Japgi, nk kena turun bwh utk acara pembahagian daging lembu korban.FYI,korban ni dibuat oleh En Abdul Aziz Ibrahim dr KULCC.Actually, since last year dia dh ade niat.So,ade rezeki thnni dia buatla..Alhamdulillah tercapai jgk hasrat dia.Aku adelah salah srg dr AJK Lombuni..nama glamer habis!hahaha..

Okeyla..That's all for the moment.So,start esk..aku akan byk termenungla biler kt umah nnti.Bosannnnn!!!!!

Till then....Adios Amigos!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

~Movie Time~

Hola n Salam people!

Quite sometimes I'm not update my blog.Biasela...MALAS n BUSY dtg serentak.Skrgni pun tgh merajinkan diri ukt update.

Okey...What was d latest movie you guys dh tgk?I ade dua citer dh tgk.Yg first TAKERS and lagi satu ALTITUDE.Hmm..Dua2 so-so jelah citer dia.Klu nk recommend pun..TAKERS jela.ALTITUDE tu promoje lbh...citer haprak!Biase2 sgt.Igtkan citer seram psl binatang all cari send
irilah ek.

And now I'm waiting for M Night Shyamalan latest movie - DEVILS.Klu saper2 dh tgk trailer citerni sure lpstu tiap kali msk lift je mesti teringat!Hehehe...Whenever I told my colleagues abt this..they all mesti mrh!Just love teasing them!

Next week smua Warga Islam akan menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha @ Haji @ Qorban.As usual..I working on that day.. :D Smua sbb nk kutip PH nyer rates!Klu nk harap gaji basic..alamat ddk diam2 kt umahjela lps hbs keje.

Okeyla guys..
Creo que eso es todo por ahora. Estará de regreso con otra historia más reciente. Hasta entonces .... Ser bueno. Sea positivo. Esté seguro.

Te quiero!


Friday, November 5, 2010


Hola y'all!

I've been busy lately.Just finished my UAT for the TMS last Monday.Pheww..finally!Been working morning shift for almost 2 weeks and its d**n tiring!

Today is Diwali Festival.Happy Diwali to all my Hindu friends around d world!I'm working noon shift,Thank God.Dpt bgn lambatla td.. :)

The year end just round d corner.Have you achieved what you aim for this year?Mine was not so good.Mostly a lot of 'bad' things had happened in this year.But still,they were a few good things happened as well.Hopefully the closing will be the best!

A little bit update about my KOPs.They have won 3 games in a row.Really hope more good news will rise n shine with them!#YNWA.

Till then..Adios Amigos n Happy Holiday!!!


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.