Sunday, October 24, 2010


Salam n Hola people!

Its been a while I'm not updating anything in my blog. Been so so so lazy lately! Gosh! I really need a break. Yes! B-R-E-A-K.

I've got something to share with u guys. A past couple of weeks ago,I've realized that I've been immune with FB. A terrible immune! I keep checking people status,pictures,comments,etc.If not thru laptop,I'll check thru my BB. Its like I'm stick with it. Can't stop it even a while.

So,I've decided to stop FB-ing for a while. I've log out from my BB as well. I call this treatment as a FB Detox. Today is my 12th day without FB and I'm feeling great! Its like a BIG stone on my head had gone! Seriously! I feel nothing when I not login to FB. Isn't it great or what???!

I'm not sure when I'm gonna 'visit' my account there again. If you have the same situation like me,I suggest you to do the same! You won't regret it! I promise.

Adios amigos!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

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