Tuesday, June 22, 2010

~Shida Greys @ Maksu @ Ida @ San @ Sany~

Hi guys..

Its 0130hrs now and I still awake.Can't sleep?Naahhh..I'm so sleepy now but forcing myself to stay awake.Why?Because I wanna watch WC between ESP vs HON.Huhu..Go away sleepy eyes.

Ok!Back to my title.Wow!That's a lot of name ya!Hehe..My colleagues called me Shida.But I was also known as MakSu as u all know.. :) My family n relatives called me Ida.Same goes to my ex-schoolmates.San @ Sany was called by Moe @ Mona.Different name but same person.Hihi..

I've been thru a lot of things.In family,friends,work or can call it L.I.F.E.Life is full with colors.Its depend which color u want it to be.

During my young age(dh tua ke?hehe..),mine was so fulled with a lot of colors.Almost all I think.It was d best year in my life.No responsibility,no commitment,no worries at all.All u wanted to do is fun,fun,fun!Wow!It was so beautiful.Really miss those days..

Now,at the age of..how shud I say.Hmm..3 series?Blhlakan..I have saw a lot of changes around me.Most of it is around the people I know and I used to know.Especially people we called F.R.I.E.N.D.

People used to say "Friend in need is a friend indeed."Totally agree with that.Sometimes we forget or not realize that 1 day u will owe a big thing wz your friend.But why we still take things for granted?

If u ask me what the most precious thing in my life.I would say my family and my friends.This 2 'things' was d best thing happen in my life.Without them,I'm not sure whether I can still survive in this world or not.Thanks to HIM for giving me this 2 'things'.Really appreciate it.

For the people that I used to know as friends,I've no regret.I have saw d true colors.Which one really want to be my friend and which one just want take an advantage.

Its remind me to d poetry that was written by Dylan Thomas,d writer from USA.It sounds like this:

"It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend".

Its true,I've been there and done that.May they find what they really want in a person called friend.
