Wednesday, February 24, 2010

~A good offer..Take it or leave it..?~

Salam smua..

Tiba2 pagini rasa cam sayulak.Tak sure knp.Dahtu gi layan lagu rock jiwang kapaklak kt pcni..Ape lg,bertambah ujanla jiwa MakSu ni!huhu... Semalam MakSu kluar ofc dlm kul 2000mlm,ade keje skt nk buat..Spai2 umah smlm trs npk muka Haraaz,sejuuuuuuuuuuk skt hatini.. :) Tetiba,abg dgn Kak As srh gi try interbiu kt ofc kwn abg."Alamak!Awat tetibalak ni..?"

Company tu company besar..Rasanyer smua org kenal..MK LAND, di terajui oleh TAN SRI DATUK HJ MUSTAPHA KAMAL BIN HJ ABU BAKAR.Post dia lebih kurang mcm secretary located kt area IKEA.Almost smua building kt situ MK LAND ni punyer.Company ni is own by MALAY..MakSu dh baca profile company ni mmg best.Projek sana sini,besar2 lak tu.

Tapi MakSu mcm berbelah bagi nk pegi ke tak.Kerja dkt MAS ni pun dh hampir 8 tahun.Mmg syg nk tgglkan,lgpun ni keje plg lama MakSu bertahan.Kak As ckp gaji kt sanapun mmg masyuk gilerla..Ermm..cmne ek?Target MakSu mmg xnk tgglkan MAS,sbb MakSupun satu2nye yg keje tpt sama mcm arwah ayah keje dulu.Byk kenangan SZB APT ni.Dari kecik MakSu mmg dh slalu lepak2 kt sini.Arwah ayah slalu bwk gi jumpe kwn2 dia,gi ofc dia.Bwk naik kapal yg xterbangtu..hihi..Ntahla..mmg sgt2 berbelah bagi skrgni.

Kalau arwah ayah ade mesti dia srh stay kt MAS.MakSu dpt rasa.. :( Sedihnyer!!!!Mcm nk teriak kt dpn pc ni..nsb baikla kt ofc.Warghhhhhhhhhhhh!Dhla..MakSu xblh nk sambung lg.Dh teringat kt arwah ayah plk..


Monday, February 22, 2010

~Marley & Me~

Gud nite guys...

It's is almost 2400hrs now and I'm feel to write now.I love movies.I can watch a movie the whole day just doing nothing except watch movie!Any movies..whether its about love,family,friendship,comedy,horror,action,sci-fi,teenagers,older ppl,war..Just name it!I can wacth it all.Cause I love watching.. :D I had just watch movie "Marley & Me" at Astro Star Movie.Such a lovely movie..Like it!Its played by Jennifer Aniston & Owen Wilson.

The story was about Jenny & John who decided to marry and getting a dog.They went to the pet shop to buy a dog and there they found Marley.Still small and cute.. :) Marley have stayed with them for a long period.One day they decided to have children of their own..Jenny was pregnant and they were really happy include Marley.

Marley was a 'big' and really really naughty dog I can say that.He will chew anything..a sofa,a box,a book..almost anything!Even he is big,he still scared with light & thunder.He will just follow Jenny & John coz he so scared..hehe..

Jenny & John had 3 lovely children, 2 boys & a girl.They moved to Philadelphia coz John had a new job there,as a reporter.Days go by..and Marley is getting older.John knew that Marley will leave them at any day.Then Marley getting sick,the Dr said its normal to any dog when they getting older.The stomach will hurt 1st and they will always feel just to lay down.There's nothing much they can do except to 'kill' Marley.Dr had to give some 'medicine' so Marley can die peacefully..huhu..So sad.

John and his family felt so sad coz Marley have been with them since he was small till they had children..They buried him in front of their house.

U guys know what..When we feel we need someone to talk with but we can't share with other ppl,your pet will always be there to listen to you...U might think they don't understand,but they did.Especially with their owner..They can be your friend as well if no one want to friend with u,they can company u,they can also be your 'guard' at home.

This movie makes me think a lot.LOVE is not only between human but it's also between human & animal as well.If we love them,they also will love us.So..don't hurt them..They also like us trying to live in this big world.. :D

Hope u guys will watch this movie and have same thinking like I did..Nite nite!



Sunday, February 21, 2010


Morning guys...

Tetiba lak updte blog pg2ni..Sedang2 surf internet tetiba rase cm nk search ADAT PERKAHWINAN MINANGKABAU.Fyi..MakSu berketurunan MINANG + BUGIS.Sebelah ayah Melayu Tulen,ibu lak Minang dgn Bugis.Tp,skrg yg reti ckp Minang ni cuma sedara2 ibu yg ddk kt Bangi.Klu diorang smuani berckp MakSu blh fhm klu nk ikut sgt2 lems.

Di sini MakSu ade 'paste' kan sedikit info tentang perkahwinan adat Minangkabau.Mungkin ade skt2 yg u all xfhm sbb bercampur dgn Bahasa Minang..MakSu pun xbrp fhm menarik!

Bagi masyarakat Minangkabau, ketentuan antara adat dan agama Islam membawa makna yang tersendiri kerana baik ketentuan adat maupun ketentuan agama keduanya tidak boleh diabaikan, khususnya dalam pelaksanaan perkahwinan. Kedua aturan itu harus dilaksanakan dengan cara serasi, seiring dan sejalan. Pelanggaran salah satu ketentuan adat maupun ketentuan agama Islam boleh mengakibatkan sesalan sepanjang hayat dan bahkan berkelanjutan pada keturunan. Hukuman yang dijatuhkan masyarakat adat dan agama, sangatlah berat. Hukuman itu sangat ketara dilihat dalam bentuk pengasingan atau terbuang dari pergaulan masyarakat Minang. Oleh kerana itu dalam perkahwinan, orang Minang selalu berusaha memenuhi semua syarat perkahwinan yang lazim dijalankan di Minangkabau.

Syarat-syarat perkahwinan adat Minangkabau mengariskan:-

1. Kedua calon mempelai mesti beragama Islam.
2. Kedua calon mempelai tidak sedarah atau tidak berasal dari suku yang sama, kecuali pesukuan itu berasal dari nagari atau luhak yang lain.

3. Kedua calon mempelai dapat saling menghormati dan menghargai orang tua dan keluarga kedua belah pihak.
4. Calon suami (marapulai) harus sudah mempunyai sumber penghasilan untuk dapat menjamin kehidupan keluarganya.

Perkahwinan yang dilakukan tanpa memenuhi semua syarat di atas dapat di anggap perkahwinan sumbang atau perkahwinan yang tidak memenuhi syarat menurut adat Minang. Selain dari itu, masih ada susunatur dan upacara adat dan ketentuan agama Islam yang harus dipenuhi seperti majlis jopuik manjopuik, pinang maminang, batuka tando, akad nikah, baralek gadang, jalang menjalang dan sebagainya. Upacara adat perkahwinan ini tak mungkin di remehkan kerana semua orang Minang menganggap bahwa perkahwinan itu sesuatu yang agung, yang diyakini hanya sekali seumur hidup.

Pada 7.2.09 yang lalu saya telah berkesempatan menghadiri majlis manjampuik marapulai di Batu Sangkar, Tanah Datar, SUMBAR. Sedia maklum dengan adat perpatih yang diamalkan diranah minang ini, apabila berkahwin ; pengantin lelaki akan dijemput dengan penuh hormat oleh rombongan pengantin perempuan kerumah gadang pihak perempuan dan mulai dari saat itu juga pihak lelaki akan meninggalkan lingkungan kerabatnya untuk menjadi urang sumando dalam lingkungan kekerabatan isterinya.....

Apa yang menarik perhatian saya ialah suasana perpisahan oleh si anak lelaki ini dari rumah ayah-bondanya diiringi oleh kata-kata perpisahan yang meruntun jiwa pendengar yang ada disekeliling acara majlis tersebut dapat diselami dengan indahnya melalui bait-bait pantun seperti dibawah:

Barambun sadah jo kapeh
Pandan bakabek anyo lai
Ampunkan denai ayah jo mandeh
Badan barangkek anyo lai

Ampun baribu kali ampun

Ampunkan denai sanak sudaro

Badan barangkek anyo lai

Sijarek tolong ladangkan

Di ladang dicabuik urang

Dari ketek mandeh gadangkan

Lah gadang dijapuik urang

Ampun baribu kali ampun

Ampunkan denai sanak sudaro
Lah gadang dijapuik urang

Setelah acara perpisahan ini, rombongan penjemput dari pengantin perempuan dan rombongan pengantin lelaki beserta pengiringnya berangkat menuju kerumah pengantin perempuan. Sesampainya rombongan ini di rumah pengantin perempuan, mereka akan disambut secara meriah dengan tarian galombang diiringi gendang tabuah dan bunyi-bunyian. Selanjutnya apabila sampai dimuka/tangga rumah ditabur pula dengan beras kunyit dan dipersilakan naik kerumah. Apabila para tetamu semuanya telah duduk dan santai maka wakil tuan rumah akan memulai majlis dengan menjemput semua hadirin menikmati hidangan yang disediakan. Selesai menjamu selera maka acara selanjutnya iyalah majlis penitipan marapulai oleh rombongan pengantar yang disampaikan oleh ketua rombongan kepada mamak rumah anak daro. Acara penitipan ini merupakan majlis persembahan pembuka kata dan amanah jua nasihat antara kedua-kedua keluarga terhadap marapulai yang kini telah menjadi sebahagian dari keluarga sianak daro. Nasihat yang diberikan sangatlah panjang berjela-jela cuma yang dapat saya nukilkan di sini adalah sebahagian daripadanya (bahasa asalnya dalam dialek minang telah saya ubah kebahasa melayu untuk memudahkan para pembaca)

(Ucapan ini disampaikan oleh wakil Mamak Rumah anak daro) :

.....Kedatangan sudah dibawa duduk
sudah disuguhi sirih dicerana
tandanya sudah selesai minum dan makan
Pihak di diri marapulai

sudah duduk di atas rumah
di lingkungan ninik dengan mamak

dihadapan ibu dengan bapak

serta ipar dan besan

Kalau tumbuh di tengah rumah

akan menjadi biji adat yang baik

akan menjadi tongkat penghias jalan
menjadi keris pemagar adat
dalam adat beradat pula.
Kalau baik retak tangannya
Panjang dibawa untuk memotong
Singkat dibawa menyambung
Kalau salah minta ditegur
Kalau baik perangainya

tolong dibawa sehilir sehulu
Kalau ke bukit sama mendaki

ke lurah sama menurun

Tertelungkup sama makan tanah

Tertelentang sama minum air
Berat sama dipikul
Ringan sama dijinjing
Sama-sama sakit sama-sama senang
Sehina semalu
Dengan ninik mamak serta orang semenda yang disini.

(Ucapan oleh wakil rombongan pengantar/marapulai) :

Sepanjang pemberian Mamak Datuk
Pembicaraan yang sudah kami dengarkan
Rupa yang sudah kami lihat

Tentang diri marapulai

sudah bagus ditimpa baik

besi baik diringgiti

sudah terletak didalam adat

sudah duduk di pusaka
anak satu sudah menjadi dua

tempat berunding bermufakat

sudah diterima dengan baik
Bagi kami sebagai pihak tamu yang datang
Karena permintaan sudah dikabulkan

Keinginan sudah diberikan

Alhamdulillah sebagai jawaban, Mamak Datuk

Kami minta diri sekalian

(Mulai berdiri untuk berangkat pulang)

Begitulah indahnya ungkapan-ungkapan yang disampaikan di dalam majlis penitipan marapulai ini dan begitu indah juga adat diranah minang yang "INDAK AKAN LAKANG DEK PANEH NAN TAKKAN LAPUAK DEK UJAN" atau dlm bahasa Melayu kita.."TAK LAPUK DEK HUJAN TAK LEKANG DEK PANAS"

Note : Terima kasih kpd saudara Marisma di atas info di atas.

Ada juga pepatah Melayu bercakap "BIAR MATI ANAK JGN MATI ADAT". Ramai yg tersalah fhm dgn pepatah ini dan ramai jgk yg berpegang teguh dgn pepatah ini.Bagi MakSu,pepatah ini blh digunakan pabila si anak telah melakukan perkara yg tdk sepatutnya dr segi Agama.Contohnya :

  • Pabila si anak telah melakukan kejahatan spt mencuri,berzina dan perkara2 yg sewaktu dgnnya.Hendaklah si ayah ataupun ibu mengikut adat yg telah ditetapkan.Dlm erti kata lain,si ayah dan ibu perlu menghukum si anak dgn hukuman yg sepatutnya.Mmg betul,ayah ibu mana yg xsygkan anak.Tetapi dlm hal spt ini hukuman haruslah diteruskan.Si ayah dan ibu perlulah menghantar si anak ke pihak yg bertanggungjawab utk diperbetulkan kesalahannya itu.Bila perkara sebegini terjadi inilah yg dipanggil "BIAR MATI ANAK JGN MATI ADAT".
Mmg menarik klu kita btl2 dpt mengamati pepatah2 Melayu lama.Byk cerita disebaliknya.Begitu juga dgn adat2 Melayu.MakSu ada 1 impian yg dh lama MakSu simpan.MakSu berharap bila perkahwinan MakSu nnti dpt dibuat mengikut adat Minangkabau.. :) Insya'Allah klu berkesempatan..



Saturday, February 20, 2010

~Sabtuku..Shiftku..Kwon Sang Woo ku~

Tgk title je mcm dh pening.Nk citer psl ape sbnrnyer ni?hihi..

Ok..Kita mula dgn Sabtuku.Arini ari cuti..samalah dgn esk.Dlm sejarah!Siang td plg lewat MakSu bgn.Pkl 1235 tgh hari bru sedar!Aduhhh...ini mesti penangan ubat selsema mlm td.Mcm 'high' MakSu rase..kepala berat giler nk bgn.Biler dh bgn trs mandi..klu tak mau pkl 5 ptg bru bgn kut!Dh siap smua trs basuh baju yg dh 3 ari xbasuh.Nsb baik ari panas terik..cpt gakla bajutu kering.Ingat nk gi bsh kete,tp cm mls lak.Maybe eskjela..Lgpun arini dok lyn 3 Abdulje spaila mlmni.

Insya'Allah next mth MakSu dh start msk shift blk.Huhu..dh lama xkeje shift.Tak taula cmne nnti.Mtk2 smua berjalan dgn lancar..Kenala keje kuat lg,nk buat ot mcm dulu2 kt KULCC.Blhla dpt gaji lbh skt..Keje ofc hr ni gaji mcm ckp2je..Xpe..duit blh dicari..

Tadi bruje hbs chat dgn si Zela..Dlm chat2 tu tetiba ckp psl actor Korea Kwon Sang Woo..Tp MakSu suke pggl dia upper..mcm dlm citer Stairway To Heaven.Dhtu..trs dok lyn blk citerni..Warghhhhh!Sedihnyerla..bru tgk video klip dh meleleh.Dulu masa tgk kt tvpun,dok leleh gak.Upper!!!Aik...overlak ek..Ni smua gara2 dok chat psl Zela nk gi Koreala..Trs aku teringat citerni.hihi...

Esk dh Ahad..Kejapje klu ari cutini.Klu keje mcm lama giler aku week aku keje 3 arije.Sbb Thu aku amik OIL and Fri dh PH.So..MakSu cuti 4 ariler jwbnyer.Hehe..bestnyer!Mcm2 plan adenih!Tp xcfm lg...

Anyway..continue enjoy yr weekend guys!



Friday, February 19, 2010

Silent Mode

Salam Jumaat smua!

I love Friday..coz weekend just round d corner!Hehehe...

Somebody is playing SILENT MODE game with me since last week.Hmm..No war.. :D

Being Nur Shahidatul Kamarozaman aka Shida aka MakSu is not a simple 'task'.Me,sometimes can get really confused with myself.Huh..!Some ppl can't really except for what I am..Ok,let me give some hint about me.I was born in June and I'm Cancerian aka Crabs.

This is ME :

Cancer is a Cardinal water sign, ruled by the moon. As the fourth sign of the zodiac, the Cancer individual is a deeply emotional person inside, but is smooth and confident on the outside. Their first love is of home and family and they are nurturing and caring in the family setting, creating a cozy, comfortable, safe existence behind the doors of their own home.

Many Cancer personalities make a real mark on the world, they are emotionally never far from home and hearth.Home and family give the Cancerian strength and stability, and the home is the safe "shell" that the Cancer individual knows she can retreat to after a long, stressful day. Cancer is strongly rooted and often thinks of the past, holding onto mementos and thinking about her childhood. Emotions run deep in the Cancer individual, and even small slights resonate down to her very core. When hurt or disappointed, Cancer will retreat completely into her shell and become unreachable for a period of time.Cancer is generous and kind to others, but will cautiously wait when she confronts a problem to make sure that she doesn't waste valuable resources.

Though possessing a good sense of humor and loving a good joke, the Cancer personality will often become sulky, moody, and irritable for no reason apparent to anyone else.When she fails, she will brood about it for a long time, and will almost never just shrug it off and try again.

Adults under the Cancer sign will be dedicated workers, and will do well at keeping their work and home lives separated. If you have a co-worker with an office full of family photos, you can be sure you are working with a Cancer individual. Cancers do best in jobs where they can nurture others.They have the imagination and intuition to feel what others are feeling and therefore make good human resource employees, trainers, or medical personnel.They are usually not ecstatic about change, so a stable job environment is a positive for Cancer.All in all, the Cancer individual will provide you with a strong, diligent, stable worker who empathizes with co-workers and does a good job with his assigned tasks.

Cancerians are the most nurturing sign in the zodiac, with a deep-seated need to care for others, and as such will make an excellent caretaker of both the home and the children. Some might find the Cancerian's lavish attention a bit smothering, however, and if Cancer does not feel their efforts are appreciated, they will fall into a deep funk that may be quite hard to reverse.

Many find Cancer individuals difficult to understand, as their emotions sometimes overrule their more sensible side.In order to have a successful relationship with a Cancer, one must choose to accept mood swings and the occasional need that their Cancer partner has to withdraw completely at times.

Cancer in any relationship is nurturing and caring, but with deep mood swings and a sharp tongue when provoked. Cancer seeks out others who are stable and loyal, and who want to focus on home and family.
The Cancer individual will be cautious with money and will likely have some cash stashed away for a rainy day.She will also be a collector of something , maybe antiques because of her emotional ties to the past, but possibly something such as coins or model cars or shot glasses.Your Cancer friend will help you if you are in need, but will almost always wait until the last minute to do so, after waiting for you to exhaust all other possibilities.

Just remember, the by-words for Cancer are "I feel," so be careful to emit good vibes around your Cancerian friend and you will be richly rewarded!

Words in
Blue colors mean it's my +ve side and it is really TRUE.

Words in
Red colors mean it's my -ve side and it is TRUE as well.

Well that's overall about me.FAMILY will always come first.I agreed some ppl don't understand me.Keep asking me the same question again n again.Just play safe..SILENT.If some of you still can't understand or except me,then u know what u have to do..

Bless u all n Bless Me!!!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Unsatisfied..?A bit maybe.Why?Coz life is not fair.Not fair to certain people I mean..

Feel a little sad for someone..Ermm..What should I jot here..or should I?I know if I write it here,a lot of people out there going to talk about it.So,better not right?

Whatever it is I'm still going to say it out loud..."I'M NOT SATISFIED!!!!!"


Attention Seeker

What u guys think about this kind of species or shall I call creatures?For me what they want is "Publisiti Murahan"...This kind of species actually they don't hv any story to tell or in the simple word can describe them is people don't really care about them.

So,they decided to create or make a really interesting story to let other ppl know..Most of the stories is really rubbish or in Malay "sampah!"The so not important things they want to share with everyone else.Kdg2 mcm nk tergelak ade,kesianpun ade biler baca psl org mcmni.Yelah...dh org lain xambil tau kisah kau,kau sebok nk bgtau smua org yg kau ade ini,ade itu,buat ini,buat itu,dpt ini,dpt itu..benda yg xsepatutnyer org lain taupun kau nk letak jgk.Eee...what a shamelaa..!

MakSu bknla nk ckp MakSu ni bagus sgt.Tapi hal2 mcmni biarlah bertapis.Jgn spai hal dlm selimutpun kau nk citer kt status or mana2..Goli den!Mcm malupun ade biler baca..hmm..

One more thing latelynie MakSu adela buat observation skt2 kt Social Network site yg dh tumbuh mcm cendawan after rain.Salah satu yg slalu menarik perhatian org ramai ialah STATUS.Mcm2 status kita blh tgk..ade yg kelakar,sedih,bodoh,xmasuk dek akal,bermadah2,mcm2 lagila..

I really agree that it is up to that person what he/she want to write on his/her status.But 1 thing u really need to REMEMBER is u are not the only one who can read it.Almost all people in this world can!Fyi,frm that we also can know what type of person is he/she.Some of them really like CELEBRITY WANNABE,SO GOODY2 WANNABE and also ATTENTION SEEKER!Hmm..nk komen pjg2pun xblh gak,nnti ade yg bising kt dunia luarni.But, I really don't care coz this is MakSunyer blog,so biaqpi la depa!Hehehe...Btw, I've been there,done that!

And u know what, I really pelik kdg2 dgn manusiani.Dgn diri sdiripun pelik gak..(motif???)hehe...Latelyni mcm makin ramai yg menunjuk kehebatan msg2 dr segi ape2lakan.Mmg msg2 byk RM tp xyahla mcm nk tjk2 sgt.I know u all org KAYA,not like me yg sedang2 ajer.But plsla..jgn psl benda2 kecikpun nk mention kt 1 world.Npk sgt mcm nk show off.Maybe this kind of ppl dia nk bersaing,tp persaingan diani xsihat adela..!When I come across of this things,muka MakSu berkerut 1000..hbs freckles.. :)

There's some ppl yg pnh pggl MakSu gelaran ni.Pelik..I'm not looking 4 an attention but attention looking for me..Woooow!Dasat statement nih!Ahaks..!It's ok,I'm used to it.Dh xlalupun..

Ok!happy working all..


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

~Spring Cleaning + Gathering~

Owh!What a day today...! Last nite I was so busy-ing updte my blog layout and finish it @ 0400 am.Perghh...what a lot of works!But I like my new many things to see and read!

Since that I slept very late lastnite,I woke up this morning @ almost 1000am.Itupun biler terdengar suara Abdul ke-3..Haraaz menyanyi-nyayi kecil kt sblh aku..huhu..So sleepylorrr....

Today is a SPRING CLEANING DAY @ my home.Arghhh...malasnyer!Tapi still kena buat jgk,coz Ibu dh bising biler lg nk kemas umah.Basuh smua langsir,buang habuk2 kt smua sudut,basuh tingkap,basuh belakang umah,basuh lantai kt luar...Perghh!Mcm nk tercabut kaki tgn tulang temulang bdn nih!

The most person having fun during this cleaning,none other 3 Abdul la..Amboi..bkn main sronok main air yer..Celup sana,celup sini,pancut sana,pancut sini..Hbs basah 1 bdn!Eee...nsb baikla MakSu pun tgh byk keje td.Mls nk bising,biarkanjela..About 1500pm,aku rest jap coz lpsni nk mandi..Owh!Fyi...MakSu ade GATHERING dgn kwn2 sekolah ptg td.

Dh siap mandi smua,MakSu trs kuar n gerak ke Mc d to meet them.When I arrived,they all already there.I was the last person,biasela..hehe..Ina,Akma,Zana n Umi together with their kids..We had so much fun!We was talk about our life in school dulu2...Hahaha...lawak gilerla!Mcm2 citer,spai nk pecah perut ketawa.Rase2nye smua dlm Mc d tu tgk we all..lantakla..

Ina dh ade 4 anak,Umi 2,Akma n Zana still sorang.Aku..11 org!Tapi..anak buahla..hehe...Hmm..xsangka,si Ina yg plg gangster paradise dulu dia yg buat baka ramai..hehe..Very d Ibu skrg.Klu tak dulu,masa kt skolah bkn main gangster.Siap couple dgn gangster plg top kt Pdg Jawa dulu..Dasat!Now she's stay at Langkawi n working in food business.Kira buat bisness mkn2 la diani..Masyuukkkk..

Si Zana still kerja dkt Giant Sek 13,Shah Alam..Tp tiap kali aku gi sana xpnh npk dia!Kerja ofcla katakan,bknnyer jg kuanter..hehe..Hubby dia Shidi,still dgn hobi yg sama..memancing.Td dia dtgpun,hubby dia gi mancing.Sian Zana..ikan lg penting.. :D

Umi,biasela..sebok dgn jualan Salmon n baju bdk2 dia kt FB.Anak dh dua.Girl n Boy.Perangai,still sama.Hahahaha...lawak2.

Si Mencot aka Akma..still keje dkt company ayah dia,hubby diapun sama.Anakpun still srg.It was raining masa we all tgh sebok2 mkn td..Ingat nk gi lepak tasik,tp ujan.So just lepak2 dlm Mcd jela..We all blk dlm kul 1900pm,sbb msg2 nk kena rpt duty kt hubby msg2.Aku..relaxjer.hehe..

Mmg rindu gilerla kt korang.Bilerla agaknyer nk jumpe lg lpsnikan?I have put some pics here masa we all gathered td..Enjoy!

ala2 posing comey konon..ahaks!

L-R : Akma,Ina,Zana & Umi

Posing b4 balik... :D


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Keabadian Cinta

I had just watched telemovie KEABADIAN CINTA @ Astro Citra.What I can say is it was a BEAUTIFUL & WONDERFUL drama.It was direct by none other than 1 of the best director MR KHABIR BHATIA.If u guys remember, he also direct film SETEM, SEPI, CINTA & last but not least the highers ranking drama NUR KASIH.I've watched all his movie except SETEM.

Back to KEABADIAN CINTA.The drama played by EizlAn YuSof,CherYl SamAd,SariYanti,RemY IsHak,Tiz ZaqiYah and newcomer GavIn SteNhouSe.Its about 3 couples falls in love with each other and 3 different love stories.

1st Couple : David & Maya ( Gavin & Cheryl )
They just come back to Msia for their wedding prepration.David was so shocked when he arrived at Maya hse.All Maya relatives was there to meet David.Maya's dad want David to join his airline business but David is more interested in music coz he is a music teacher.They hv to face many problems in their relationship.But at the end they married when Maya realized that when u love someone,there's no problem u can't solve.

2nd Couple : Rashad & Dina ( Eizlan & Tiz )
Dina, 21 is a practical student at Rashad radio company.She is Rashad best friend daughter where Rashad didn't know at the 1st place till his friend introduce to him.Dina is so crazy about Rashad but Rashad refused seems that he is 40yrs old and her father best friend. Suddenly her father know that she is going out wz someone that same age as him, he is really upset.When he knows the 'old guy' was his best friend he decided to stop their friendship & don't want to see him anymore.So to save their relationship, Rashad decided to leave Dina and ask her to go back to his father..Dina was so sad coz Rashad said that he just her crush and it will gone sooner or later.

3rd Couple : Hussein & Suri ( Remy & Sariyanti )
Hussein, a deaf guy fall in love with Suri a blind girl.He met Suri when he been chased by police because of stealing.He was hiding in Suri hse and that when he saw Suri there.Hussein ask his friend Zain to speak to Suri about his feeling.He start to write letter and Zain help to read it to Suri.Suri was so touched with Hussein letter.She hate Hussein coz he understand how to be living in darkness,she hate Hussein coz she so touched by his letter and she hate Hussein coz she has already fall in love with him..but it's hard to imagine for her to live with Hussein coz she's blind & Hussein is deaf.Hussein decided to learn Braille Code so he can continue to write love letter to Suri.They become close after that..

I really love this drama.It makes u feel like a real ppl fall in love,how they face their problem,how they solve their problem..and it also makes me realized that not everyone have a perfect life in this world.Even if u coming from a rich family,u still have to face the same problem like others when it comes about love..U can't lie if u fall in love with someone.

If u guys miss it,u might can watch the repeat at Astro Citra.Not sure whether they will show it again or not.If there is, for sure I'll watch it again!

Ok guys!!!Happy V day...muah!muah!muah!

p/s:Fyi,Gavin Stenhouse is Sharifah Amani real life yerr...hehe..& thanks to Jamihashim 4 the pics!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

~My Weekend~

Morning all or shall I say Afternoon?

It's almost 1200hrs on Saturday and you know what..??I'm at the ofc..what the hell I'm doing here on Sat?Well...doing OT lorrrr...Mencari sesuap nasi org ckp..Yela..MakSu xmcm org lain yg dilahirkn dlm rich family.Apa nk dptjer...huhu..But Thank to Him I've a very wonderful n happy family!Likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. :D

I'm going to have long holiday this weekend due to Chinese New Year falls on Sun..So I'll be off till Tue..Yeah!!!Can hv my restlaaaa....

So,what's the plan?As I told in my prev post..going back to Rawang this evening wz my family.We going to hv a BBQ with my other relatives...Kira family gatheringla kan.Actually my cousin, Udin yg arranged bendani tp dia plk xde.His at LHR doing some work time kita wat yg completenyer version ye Udin.Whether we going to overnite in Rawang or not,we not sure yet.Depends wz my bro la..Klu dia nk stay,stayla jwbnyer.Klu tak,blkje mlmni.

Ateh n Along will not coming xbest lak.Ateh ade operasi mlmni.Yela mlm rayakan,mesti byk maksiat..Hehe...apelagi Ateh nk pegi tangkap orgla.You guys better watch out!Along lak,Abg Zaini keje mlm..xdptla jumpe Uwais n Heidi.Angah..xsure lg.Tgk klu Abg Aidi larat nk pegike tak.Sbb dia bru blk dr outstaion..Npk gayanye..MakSu dgn 3 Abdul lg jwbnyer... :p

Plan for Mon n Tue?Mon maybe just stay @ home kemas umah.My mom dh bising..umah mcm tongkang pecah..hahaha...keje saper lg klu bkn 3 Abdul tu.Tue lak maybe gi gathering dgn kwn2 xsbrje!It's been a how many years I'm not sure!!!Miss them so much!!!Really looking fwd abt this..

Okla..I think thats all I can jot down for now..Got to contd my OT..nanti apelak org ckpkan..hehe..Ok guys!!!Have a GREAT holiday!!!!


Thursday, February 11, 2010


Arghhhhhhhhhh...ngatuknyela..rase cm masa drivepun nk tido.Not sure why,but lately I felt sleepy easily.Even tgh wat keje dpn pc pun blh terlelap..betapa kroniknye!Matani lps seharian tatap pc mmg penat giler tambah lak sengal2 kt bdn ni..Adakan ini slh satu faktor ???Oh tidaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkk..huhu.

Lets talk about what happened lately around me.I've bought Celine Dion cd with 3 album in it.Entahla..mood layan lagu dia mcm membuak2 lak skrg.A very very GOOD singer.My work task pun mcm xhbs2je skrgni.Benda byk nk buat but don't know where to start.Rasa cm nk buat smua tp pening!Dhla next horizon on the Oct!Mcm xsempatje nk prepare smuatu..huhu.

I'm still waiting 4 my love letter.Hopefully just round the corner..Can't wait!Working with MAS was the longest time I've spend my years here.Maybe dh tertulis rezeki kt sini..But I had receive a surprise letter frm 1 of the Snr Manager in my company..Really2 appreciate it!Alhamdulillah...suke sgt!

Valentine just round the corner.What's the plan? plan.Pakcik aku awal2 dh bgtau srh blk coz ade family n relatives gathering..Msg2 mcm buzyje dh lama xjumpe.Aku lg dh lama xblk sana.Asyik M.I.A je..hehe...Okla..blh gosip lama2 dgn cousin2 aku.. :D

I will start my shift this coming March..huhu...Dh lama xkeje shiftni.Tak taula cmne nnti.For sure mesti penat especially klu buat mnite.Planning to work really hard this year to achieve my GOAL!Hopefully..Ganbatte MakSu!!!

Lil' Grey akupun dh lama xservice.Ingat nk service lps dpt gaji blnni.Dh mcm xsedap lak bila aku drive..Nnti cayang ek..kita gi service diri kita sama2..hehe..

Plan utk trnkan berat badan masih berjalan spt biase.Time bfast aku just amik ape yg adeje..bila lunch mkn lauk minus nasi.Dinner...tgkla.Klu rase nk mkn,aku pelik,badanni mcm samajer..Bosan tul!Takkan nk gi FF gak mcm Ambia?Kopakla MakSu cmni... :(

Last but not least,1 more plan still in progress.Rasa cm nk amik tp xsure lg.Kena chk btl2..Klu dpt,best gak!Hehe...

Okla..I think that's enuff for tonight.Matapun dh makin berat..Lpsni nk Zzzzz....

Nite nite everyone...Muah!!!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So malas nk updte me blog latelyni..maybe penat bcoz of work..

It's already February, and we know its month of LOVE a.k.a lovey doveyje blnni.But actually not to talk abt valentine pun just nk updte jer..

I was attending a workshop yesterday at MAA.Its a MH Mobile workshop.It was a very good wshop and a good experience to me as well.Leading by SITA TEAM and most of the participants was Exec and above..I was like..."OMG!Am I in the right room?"Felt so tiny among them..

Dr Amin,AGM was also there..We were discuss abt the applications we needs in this MH Mobile.It's supposed to be 3 days till tomorrow but I need to go back to ofc this morning since there's a lot of keje yg menunggu.So..balikjela ofc.

Looks like its goin' to be a long week eventhough weekend just round d corner.A lot of UAT to do,discussion,giving idea..huhu...Ganbatte Shida!U can do it!!!

Wish me luck!!!