Sunday, January 10, 2010

FRIDAY,08th JAN 2010 @ 0715HRS

As usual,I arrived my ofc about 0700hrs.Parking my car,look around and reading my book.At 0715hrs I up to my ofc and I know one of my colleague Nathan has already arrived.I knew,because the door is opened and the lights was on.

I unlocked the door and step in while Nathan look at me with a smiling face."Hmm...morning.." I wish him.But he keep smiling and I ask"Apehal senyum pg2ni?"Then I turn my face to my desk.."!Ape ni!"I'm shock."Saper bgni Nathan..???"Then he said.."I la yg bg.Dah U slalu mtk kt I kan.???"Hehehe..I laughed."Saper lagi MakSu...pg2 lagi dia dh dtg,letak sini..I xde.I pegi toilet."He told me."Owh...yeke?I xtaupun.Knp ek..tiba2je..I xmintak pun."

It was really a surprised.Hmm...My 1st bouquet for this year.Well,I was expecting white roses actually..but it's ok.MakSu really LOVE flowers..The smells really make u feel so calm n free.. :)

Here's d Blue!



Owh..and MakSu also love surprised..hehe...

Opps:Tomorrow Monday..Hate it!I HATE Monday...



  1. wei!!!sape bagi hang bunga ni???share sikit dgn aku ;) hehehehe

  2. yg sama batch dgn kitala...xkan kau xtau... :D

  3. aku dgr citer jer....share le sikit hehehehe
