Tuesday, January 26, 2010



Today pagi2 baca paper online trs npk gbr Fahrin Ahmad tgh menangis..What happened????Sungguh MakSu tekejut..Rupe2nye smlm dia buat PC utk kuarkan perintah mahkamah utk sedari Linda Onn mtk maaf terbuka kt dia.Bagus!!!MakSu suke sgt.Biar pompuan tu rase.Ntahla..dr dulu MakSu mmg xberkenan dgn si Linda Onn.Lately ni plk dia mcm menunjuk-nunjuk lak kekayaan dia tu.Hmm...

Bila tgk video Fahrintu,mmg sedih giler tgk dia nangis..dpn org ramai lak tu.Jatuh air mata seorg lelaki macho..kesian.Mmg dh xde jodoh nk wat cmne kan.Tp yg peliknyer knpla pompuantu xhbs2 nk ungkit2 citer lama.Npk sgt "ATTENTION SEEKER"!Dhla keje asik berpindah2 dr 1 stesen ke stesen lain.Tak suke!

Relax2 MakSu..jgn emo ek.hehe...Mana tak emo..Fahrin mmg feveret I dr dulu.Pernah jumpe dia kt KLCC skali..perghh!Mmg mantap.. :D

Buat Fahrin.."All the best in whatever you do!"


Sunday, January 10, 2010

FRIDAY,08th JAN 2010 @ 0715HRS

As usual,I arrived my ofc about 0700hrs.Parking my car,look around and reading my book.At 0715hrs I up to my ofc and I know one of my colleague Nathan has already arrived.I knew,because the door is opened and the lights was on.

I unlocked the door and step in while Nathan look at me with a smiling face."Hmm...morning.." I wish him.But he keep smiling and I ask"Apehal senyum pg2ni?"Then I turn my face to my desk.."Eh..eh!Ape ni!"I'm shock."Saper bgni Nathan..???"Then he said.."I la yg bg.Dah U slalu mtk kt I kan.???"Hehehe..I laughed."Saper lagi MakSu...pg2 lagi dia dh dtg,letak sini..I xde.I pegi toilet."He told me."Owh...yeke?I xtaupun.Knp ek..tiba2je..I xmintak pun."

It was really a surprised.Hmm...My 1st bouquet for this year.Well,I was expecting white roses actually..but it's ok.MakSu really LOVE flowers..The smells really make u feel so calm n free.. :)

Here's d Blue!



Owh..and MakSu also love surprised..hehe...

Opps:Tomorrow Monday..Hate it!I HATE Monday...


Friday, January 8, 2010


Have u watch the latest advert. for Garnier product???Woohooo!MakSu like it so much bcoz the model is Fahrin Ahmad..so yummy la!Opps!Over lak..

And fyi I've bought the foam wash and scrub to give to sum1.Actually,my mom ask to give to him.Nak jadi hensem mcm Fahrin she said."Ibu..Fahrintu mmg dh hensem dr dulula.. :D"That's my mom..she lurrrrve entertainment world so much!

Here is the pics.Enjoy it!!!



"Ahhh...Look @ me darlin'.. :)"

Opps:MakSu also using Garnier..coz I love Fasha Sandha so much!


Thursday, January 7, 2010


Yesterday,2 of my nephews had started their 1st day in school.Abd Hakim n Abd Hadi.This is d 2nd time for Abd Hakim in school but 1st time for Abd Hadi.Hehe...I love to see how was this 2 rascals reaction but I was working..huhu..My mom was there as well..She said at 1st Abd Hadi was ok,he just play with other kids,but when there already so many ppl he starting to panic.And the result...he cried..Warghhh..."Ayah..jgn tggl Hadi...warghh..."Haha..if MakSu there,4 sure I'll laugh out loud!I like to tease them.

So,check out the pic of their school uniform...Mak aii...so yellowla syg.But cute!



My 3 Abdul is soooo naughty but they are so adorable at the same time.. :D

Ok dokie...Ciao!!!

Opps!Awaiting for Ammar uniform plk!hehe...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Silent..itu yg MakSu buat skrg.People say.."Silent is the best therapy."Perhaps they are correct.

MakSu dh start keje smlm..1st day working in new year.Not much different since almost all my colleagues on leave due send their children to school.

MakSu skrg dh mula blk hobi membaca yg dh lama MakSu tgglkan.I bought Stephanie Meyer Eclipse book.Lovin' it.So,srkgni klu ade time free je MakSu hbskan masa membacaje..dlm kete,kt ofc,ats katil,dpn tv..mana2jelah.As long MakSu blh membaca..

Tak tahu knp,thn ni mcm x excitedje nk melalui hari2 yg mendatang.Hmm..maybe sbb MakSu dh nk msk 3 series kut..huhu...Mcm xcayaje.U getting old MakSu!Except d fact..Anak buahpun dh berderet-deret.Klu bwk pegi jln2 for sure smua org ingat anak MakSu.But they all are my happiness.. :)

Really hope this year will bring more happiness n rezeki..Amin.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

**TAHUN BARU 2010**

Hi guys...

Lama MakSu x update blog kt sini.Itu namanyer penyakit "M" dh dtg..M.A.L.A.S... :D Yang ni pun MakSu gagahkan diri utk tulis.

Hmm..New Year just passed a couple of days ago.MakSu just celebrate at 1 of my frens house buat BBQ.Quite sometimes x lepak ramai2 mcm dulu.But ape yg special on that nite was annoucement dr Megat..hehe...Tak sangka ek,dlm diam2.Wish u both a happy life.

And for MakSu..What yr new year resolution ek?No resolution but I have a target.That is:

1.To get promoted.
2.To focus and achieve target in my career.
3.To spend much time with family and relatives.
4.To have a long holiday travel around America's,Euro or Asia.
5.Settle down?Maybe not this time around or this year.

Wish me luck..Insya'Allah boleh tercapai.

Byk perkara yg berlaku thn lps.But last year was a busiest year.MakSu sebok dgn project SITA.Training sana sini..buat manual,discussion,presentation,jadi trainer lg..Perghh..penat mmg penat.Keje dr awal pg spai lewat mlm.Even on weekendpun kena dtg OT.Bila dh cutover kena standby spai mlm kt ofc..Tapi byk benda yg MakSu blajar dan ramai org yg MakSu kenal.It was a good experienced.People starting to know you..know's how u work.MakSu pun dpt byk exposure.Org yg selamani kita just hai2 kt lif dh jd kawan MakSu..hehe...

Last year ramai kwn2 MakSu yg sudah mendirikan
rumahtangga..Arif,Mok,Shahrena,Ana,Mysarah,Yaya/Farid n last skali Danial/Sue.Hmm..msg2 musim mengawan!Hahaha...MakSu lak cmne?Ramai betul yg tanyer soalan cepu emastu.Bagi MakSu masa itu belum tiba lagi.Org ckp,xsapai seru lagi..Biler masa dh sesuai sapailah ia.Klu ade jodoh xke mana.

Satu lagi,skrgni mcm dh jd tradisi lak kt ofc ni.Smuanyer berpasang-pasangan 1 ofc..hehe..Duniani kecik sgt npknyer.Pusing2, kt ofc gak yg jumpe..hmm..

Hopefully this year lebih byk perkara yg baik2 berlaku dlm hidup MakSu.Semoga dilimpahi rezeki dan menjadi insan yg lebih mulia di sisiNya..Amin.

Ok,that's all for now.Actually byk lagi yg MakSu nk tls tp dlm next chapterje la ek.
