Friday, April 30, 2010

~The busiest Days~

Hi guys...

I've been a little busy with my work lately..Since the promotion my work load become bigger and heavier..Its the responsibility I have to kendong..huhu..

There were about 8 UAT me and Arif have to complete by June and the best thing is Arif will be on leave for 1 week during this period..Arghhhh...Shoot!En Azlan not around some more..huhu...


I'm still at the ofc,just finished my 2nd UAT.I might have to come even on my OFF/REST DAY to complete the UAT.The team In ATL can't wait..eee...Mencikla!

Okla...gonna pack my stuff and ready to return to my base...Tomorrow is mid night again..Zzzz..



Sunday, April 25, 2010

~Malam yg ......???~

Assalammualaikum wbt to all my readers..

Last night was shud I say ek?Is it good or not so good..?Well..whatever it is,it was a
relieved to me.

A person that I've not spoken and see quite sometimes YM me..Lama giler xjumpe and borak dgn Hamba Allahni.Tetibalak mlm td mcm terjumpe blk even bkn dpn mata.

We had a very long chat.We chat a lot of life,my job dan pasal dia jgk.Hmm...aku bgtau dia yg aku sengaja mengelakkan diri dr dia demi kebaikan semua..dan dia ckp dia faham.Sebab dia tau aku mcm mana.Mungkin betul.Kalau blh aku xnk mengeruhkan keadaan yg mmg hampir keruh dulu.

It makes me d**n sad.But past is past.Just move forward..Actually byk benda yg aku ckp dgn dia tp biarlah RAHSIA.Klu bgtau kt sini ramai plk yg terasa nnti.Dh xlarat nk lyn manusia2 yg kuat terasa ni.Sbb dh xlarat nk jaga hati dan prasaan org.Huh...

Okla..rasenyer inije buat masa ni.Skrgni aku still kt ofc.Ofc yg dh rupe rumah iglu kt Antartica yg sejuk tu!Pintu msk pun dh rupe peti ais dh!Grrrr....sejuknyer....mcm nk buat unggun apije dlm ofc skrgnih!



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

**Tutti Frutti**

The Ice Cream..Likeeee!

The dispensers

The Cafe

Yummy!That's the 1st word when 1 saw this cafe...

Mcm xsabarje nk pegi melantak 'benda alah' ni nnti.Hehe..Cuaca tgh panas2 ni mmg baguslah
klu dpt pekena Tutti Frutti..

It's all started from Scha tweets..Yup!The actress Scha Al Yahya.She keep talking about how
she was so enjoyed having her Tutti Frutti with Awal.Hmm..Xpe2..nnti akanku pekena jgk.

Okey guys..going to take my short nap fro a while..( tgh buat mid night ni )


p/s:Owh btw...its a self services cafe..

Friday, April 16, 2010

**Twitter Me**

Hi guys..

I was off today.Tomorrow will be noon shift then mid night again.

I'm crazy with new thing now..It's the TWITTER.Yeah..I know some of you have started this
loooong ago but me still new.Not so new laaaa...It just I've been so rajin for twittering myself.. :D

I've sign up since last year but only now I start to activate it.Thanks to Fasha San
dha..But why Fasha ek?Only me knows..hehe..

Compared to FACEBOOK, Twitter is more fastest and easiest for me to update or connected with my buddies.It's a very direct application,no hassle.

Owh!Almost forgot.There's someone want to be my follower but I still not approve it.You guys know why?I don't like people who simply create an account without showing themselves who they really are.No picture,no details just user name.Urggghhh!Psycho ke ape???Sorry..I will never ever approve this kind pf people laaa..Be yourself la wei!Don't have to hide2!Enough with what happened in my FB.

So...tweet tweet twitter me!

Ciao n xoxo.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Frenemies.Ever heard this word?U bet!It was taken from...

Friend + Enemies = A person you called friend but at the same time can be your enemy.

I love this word.Most of us have this kind of person among us.Urghhh!Pls don't say you don't have one.Every each of us have this kind of person around us. :)

Don't mean to be mean.But, seriously...there's a bunch of people around me I can call Frenemies.Opps!No heart feeling okay!It just I don't trust people 100%, learned from the experiences.And also, don't be too nice with everyone coz I know they will take advantage on that.Hate this species.They are so selfish..maybe I can give them the Best Actor or Actress award.

I can always be the person with shoulder to cry on but will they do the same to me?Hmm..Only Allah knows..

I used to worried what the others think about me.But more.I start to love myself more and more nowadays.Pampered myself.For the past 7 yrs I was so busy taking care others people feeling, gave extra attention to them.Now its only me,me and me...oh!and my job as well.. :)

Am I deserve for what I have now?Yes I did!I've been working really hard to be where I am now.Don't rush just go with the flow and don't be too comfort with what you have now.You might can lose it in just a second!

Back to the subject.I wish I can tell the name of my Frenemies but I can't.Just keep it to myself..

Ermmm..Frenemies..Frenemies..It grows day by day.



Saturday, April 3, 2010

~Summary Of My Week~

Hi guys..

It's 0051hrs now and I'm still at the ofc..Ya...midnight shift but today is a last mnite..hehe..

I've been so busy and tired this week.MakSu start mnite last Tue aritu spaila arini.Start Mon aritu jaga 2 Abdul kt umah..Mak aii..mmg exhausted dibuatnyer!Bgn pg lpstu mandikan they both then buat sarapan dgn Ibu.Dhtu bknnyer nk mandi n mkn btl2.Asyik nk mainjer..huh!

MakSu sngjer.Amik rotan taula dia!Dh mandi n sarapan kemas dpr jap.Lpstu ddk2 jap sambil tggu pkl 1200 sbb nk siapkan they both gi skolah plk.Bknnyer nk ddk diam,MakSu pggl byk kali xnk dtg.Mmg nk kenani!Dlm pkl 1300 uncle dtg amik they both htr gi skolah.Pkl 1630 they both blk,tkr baju, main lg.Eeee...asyik nk mainje kejenyer.Sepah sana sini..Geram tul!

Itulah rutin harian MakSu klu ade kt umah.Tak dpt nk relax2 sgt.Dulu masa they both ddk umah Mama dia blhla relax,la ni ddk dgn Nenek xde maknenyer nk relax.Suarani asyik menjeritje kt umah.

Shift midnight kalini byk keje.Huhu..bru ingat nk lelap jap tp xblh.Melambak2 tkt agent nk kena reissue.Ini smua sbb system IBE error.1st midnight kena kacau dgn staff frm BUE.Bengong betul!Dh ajar byk kalipun xfhm2.Dhtu nk cptje.Dia ingat MakSu ni robotke blh ingat smua entry???Layan diaje dh brp jam,dr pkl 0300 spai kul 0600!Hbs waktu kt diajer!

Tp arini dgn smlm relax skt.Cuma nk buat keje muat turun kt phone dgn lappy.Asyik hang jer.WIFI kt ofcni pun mcm bangang lak skrgnih!

