Sunday, March 28, 2010

~Sunday Ku~

Hi guys!

It's almost end of Sunday oledy lorr...huhu..

Actually today, MakSu planned was just wanna stay home and relax.Yela..asyik xckp restjer.Tp pagi2 lg dh terdengar Abang ajak kluar gi Sungai Congkak.Whattttt la!!!Tgk jam dh dkt pkl 1000 tp nk ajak gi Sg Congkak.Biar betul???But I wasn't going coz so tired..Lgpun plan last minute,xsukela!

Then, I called Ateh and she says she wanna bring Ammar jln2.So, I decided to join and we went to Sunway Pyramid.My mom also join us.

Disebabkan terlalu leka berborak dlm kete, Paktehnye pun terlajak jalan..dh kena U turn lak.Dlm nk u turn tu tetiba ade roadblock lak!Adussss..kantoi!Polistu ckp Pakteh memotong di garis putih masa nk msk lorong u turn tu.MakSu pun xprasan!

Alhamdulillah..nsb menyebelahi kami anak beranak,polistu xjd saman.Sbb ape???Sbb dia npk Ibu ade skali kt blkg.Dia ckp mcmni.."Oh...Makcik ade skalike?Ni nk bwk Mak gi jln2 la ni?"Hmm..Pakteh ckpla yg dia terslh jln,nk gi u turn blk.Polistu amik lesen then dia dtg blk.Dia ckp.."Takpela..kalini sy bg peluang terakhir..nk bwk Mak gi jln2 yer..?"Hehe..nsb2...Baik gak Polis ni..Terima kasih yer pakcik!

Spai2 dh pkl 1300..Perut msg2 sgt lapar.Ateh sebok nk cuba mkn kt Tanjung Cafe.Dia ckp nama mcm best.Mcm HARAM!Bangang btl kedaitu!Dia kata bru bukak..Rasa cm nk sepakje muka2 srg dlm restorantu!Smuanyer xde..That was my 1st and last mkn kt situ!No more!!!

Dh pusing2..MakSu ingat nk bli brg2 skt.Tp si Ammar wat hal lak.Dia pun nk bli baju dia.MakSu sempat rembat tali pinggangje.Yg lain langsung xingat..Msk CnK tgk kasut tp xde yg berkenanpun..Hmm..

Time nk blk lg best!Blh sesat lak nk cari jln msk td.Aduhhh..sabarjela..Nsb baik MakSu terer dlm bab peta ni..hehe..Konon2la kan..B4 blktu lepak kt Gloria Jeans minum sbl mkn2 skt sbb dh terlalu penat cari jln msk td.Kesian Ammar,dia lapar btl!Bg mkn n minum lpstu we all trs ciao..

Spai Shah Alam,lepak umah Ateh jap.MakSu tetido lg..hehe..Nsb Ateh kejut.Bgn2 online jap,mkn lpstu siap2 nk blk.Spai2 umah, 3 Abdul pun xblk lg.Huh!Mandi Sungai sakan ni!

Skrgpun MakSu dh sgt2 penat..Esk still offday.Ingat nk kemas bilik yg dh mcm hutan tgkla klu larat.Nk jaga 2 Abdul tu lg..



~My BFF Buffday Party~

Helloooo dunia!

Perghh..!Smlm MakSu keje pg 0700-1500hrs..Hbs keje trs rushing blk umah amik Ibu then gi umah Ateh.Sbnrnye nk pegi Buffday Party my BFF Umi dgn babynyer Umar Zidan..(ala2 Zinadine Zidane lak nama dia..)

This year Umi buat kt umah Abg dia.Kebetulan Abg dia ddk kuarters sama dgn Ateh,so sngjela nk pegi.Spai umah Ateh dlm kul 1600,lepak2 jap dlm pkl 1635 bru gerak gi umah Umi.Spai2je dh dgr bunyi bising..Fuhhh!Meriahnyerla kwn aku srgni!Mcm2 dia tampal kt wall umah Abg dia..hehe..

Yg kelakarnyer kebetulanlak MakSu,Buffday Girl with hubby n daughter n Mencot pkai baju merah.Mcm tau2je kan!Instinct kuatni..hihi..Si Umi siap tempah baju tls "I'm 30" lg..Bangga btl!

Mcm2 dia bg bdk2 buat door gift.Ada topi,wisel,topeng,balloon & goodies bag lagi!Mmg bersedia betul kwn aku srgni!Lapik meja dgn gbr2 tampal kt wall tu siap beli kt U.S order online tu!Dasat2...hehe...Diani mmg hantu shopping online..Ckpje ape benda,mesti dia tau.

Ada gak kwn skolah yg lain dtg,tp MakSu mcm seganlak.Sbb dh lama giler xjumper.Smua bwk anak2 msg2..Nsb baik MakSu ade geng dgn Mahani..hehe..Dua2 single mingle lg.Si Ammar anak Ateh bkn main suke lg dia!Main spai xingat org lain.. :)

MakSu blk dlm pkl 1800 sbb dh ngatuk n penat.Lepak umah Ateh spai tetido.Bgn2 dh pkl 2030..huhu..Basuh muka,mkn lpstu lyn AF spai hbs.Dlm kul 2300 bru gerak blk umah dgn Ibu.Spai umah trs mandi,3 Abdul xblk lg..They all blk dlm pkl 2400.

MakSu xtrs tido..Mcm biase online spaila pkl 0200 bru tido...Zzzz...

Here's some pics taken from the Buffday Party.. Enjoy..

*** Eee Buffday Girl srgni..Umi :D ***

*** Abg Ammar bkn main suke lg ***

*** My BFF & ever ***

***MakSu mmg over!***



Friday, March 26, 2010

~Sleepy like Gaban!!~

Morning guys...Zzzzzz..

Am felt so sleepy now..huhu...This week is not so productive for me.Since last mid night I don't have enuff rest/sleep.

Spai2 ofcjer trs Zzzzzzzzzzz!Rase cm dh xblh bgn langsung!Sambil buat keje non stop menguap.Perghhh....mmg dh tahap ICU ni..

Can't wait for tomorrow,my BFF birthday with her baby.. :) Can meet my ex schoolmate then gossip2...



Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Afternoon guys...

Perghh..!Ngatuk tahap gaban arini.Non stop menguap dr pg td.1 transaction lebih sekali menguap..acaner???Huhu...

MakSu rasa npknyer mcm ade org sentapla..Hmm..Salah MakSu ke?MakSu just suarakan pendapat,tp klu ade yg nk terasa nk wat cmne.Malas nk pikir.Sebelumni lg ramai yg buat MakSu terasa tp buat derkkk jer.

Apa yg penting srkgni ialah date 30hb Mar nnti..Huhu...nerbes lak!

Ganbatte MakSu!!!



Tuesday, March 23, 2010

~The Blind Side~

Hi again n again...

The Blind Side.What a GOOD movie to watch!I can say it's worth to watch!

Actually I watched this movie during my 1st mid night.Its played by Sandra Bullock.She won herself BEST ACTRESS in the 82nd Academy Award for this movie!

This movie really really touch me.I don't know..but the guy who played Big Mike remind me of someone.I can't stop crying from start till end of this movie!It just so so d**n sad!!!

Here is the synopsis..

"The Blind Side" depicts the story of Michael Oher, a homeless African-American youngster from a broken home, taken in by the Touhys, a well-to-do white family who help him fulfill his potential. At the same time, Oher's presence in the Touhys' lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own. Living in his new environment, the teen faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome. As a football player and student, Oher works hard and, with the help of his coaches and adopted family, becomes an All-American offensive left tackle.

I told u guys,u better watch this movie then you'll realize there are more kids or people who really need our help out there.Please don't be to comfort with what you have now..You may lose it anytime anywhere..

Take care everyone..



Hi again guys...

My 2nd post for today..hihi..

Have u guys watch Legion?Yup..the story about the last Angel who been sent to earth to save Humankind.Hmm..citer cmni terpesong sktla dr Akidah kita tp tgkje percaya jgn..

It's kind of funny gakla when Angel have all that weapon around his body.Dasyat gak Angelni..Pandai guna semua senjata,pistol yg ade kt dunia ni.

The scary part when all the human got possessed by the Angel (yeah..that's what they said in d movie)..they have gigi2 tajam then gigit manusia lain..Eee..geramlak!

For those who haven't watch it, you guys can watch but don't believe it.It's the wrong way how they filmed this movie..

Ok..ready for my next movie after this..hehe..




Hi guys..

It is a last mid nite for me.Tomorrow is my Off Day then morning shift till Sat!Then....Off 2 days Sun & Mon!Yeahh...I likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I not really wanna talk about my shift tp ada benda lain.Penyakit yg berjangkit-jangkit latelyni kt ofc..Aper ek?


Yess..u right!Blackberry phone or some ppl call it BB.Sbnrnya dr last year MakSu dh aim nk bli BB ni coz tgk almost all Hollywood Celebrity guna.Dh google,yahoo,survey smua..tup tup!Tetiba npk ade srg bdk ofc lama MakSu dh pakai.Hmm..ape lg forget it la kan.MakSu mmg xsuke klu ade org guna HP yg sama mcm MakSu..

But now,MakSu dh ubah fikiran.I'm decided to buy it.BB Bold 9700..using my own money not sum1 else.Tp..klu ade yg nk bg as a gift..terima kasih daun keladi.hehe...

Tetapi..ape yg MakSu npk skrgni makin ramai lak yg guna BB Bold kt ofc MakSu.Tak kisahla kan klu korang nk bli 10 ke ape ke.Duit korang.Yang xbestnyer biler dh bli perluke nk habaq 1 KAMPUNG???Mestilah kita nk smua org tau kita dh up HP kita tp use a proper way.Not by telling all d ppl in d world u are using it..Siap ade yg tetiba upload gbr lak BB dia tu.Kelakarpun adela..Masa org xkecoh xdelak kau nk upload..Taknak lps peluang jgktu!

Tapi MakSu respect srg kwn MakSu ni or shall I call her Sis?Yess..Diani blh thn gak kayanyer.Suke dgr klu dia bercerita psl family and friend dia.Mcm seronokje dgr..hehe..FYI,diapun pkai BB gak.Dh dua kali tkr kut,tp yg bestnyer dia xdela nk habaq kt smua orgkan..Tu yg MakSu suketu.orgnye pun tak stingy dan sgt2 friendly.Dia relaxje even pkai brg yg mahal2..Keep that attitude sis!

MakSunyer BB xtaula biler spai.Tp klu dh spai nnti MakSu diam2je.Malas nk kecoh2.Biar org tau sdiri..As long xkacau hidup MakSu sudahh...

Ok!That's all for now..



Friday, March 19, 2010

~Safely Arrived~

A very early Gud Morning guys..

Its already 0221am but I'm still awake..huhu..cannot sleep lorr..Xngatuk!

You guys still remember about the book that I've ordered via Ebay?LA Candy by Lauren Conrad..Yup!!!Finally..its safely arrived at my home door yesterday noon all the way from U.K!I'm so excited!Can't wait to start read it..but before that I've to finish the book that I've been reading now.Belum hbs baca lg..

Once dh hbs baca,then I can start with this book.. :D


***This is the front cover***


***This is the Back Cover-The Author***




Thursday, March 18, 2010


Assalammualaikum wbt...

Hehe...tgk tajukje trs bg salam.

Semalam MakSu telah menerima 1 sms drpd seorang Hamba Allah ni.Dia telah bg MakSu 1 Selawat utk diamalkan memandangkan latelyni MakSu asyik MOODY jer..Mmg btlpun.Hangin xbp elok sejak kebelakangan ni.

So,nk dijadikan citer,MakSu bacalah Selawat tu sebelum tido mlm td.Hmm..3 kali,lbh afdhal org ckp.Alhamdulillah..mmg sejuk skt hati MakSu lps baca Selawat tu.Before drive pegi keje noon tdpun MakSu baca lg.Harap2 lpsni xdelah jd mcmni lg.Tak sukela MOOD SWING ni.Bknnye membawa kebaikan tp keburukan..kdg2tu tiba2 MakSu blh xsuke or menyampah nk tgk muke sessaperje.Even orgtu baik dgn MakSu..huhu..

Di sini,MakSu ada letakkan sekali Selawat tu..Bolehla kita amalkan sama2.Insya'Allah blh tenangkan skt jiwa kita.

Allah hummas salli ala nuril an war wasi ril as rha wa thi ya akh yar
Wa mif tha hi ba bil ya shar saiyidina wamau lana Muhammad dil mokhtar
wa'alihi as har
wa as ha bihi akh yar
ada da ni'a mil lah wa'ef dho'lih

Renung2kan...Selamat Selawat...



Wednesday, March 17, 2010

~MakSu Passion~


MakSu is so passionate with HANDBAGS & WATCHES!These 2 item I can't left if I'm going anywhere..

MakSu love LV so much!I'm much prefer with Classic Monogram design.It's look so classic and it shows that the person really LV type.Like me...hehe :D COACH is not bad as well.I'm starting to like their design now but not all..Just 1 or 2 of them.

And last but not least WATCHES.Owhhh...I so so love watches!Its not only make for us to check the time but it also shows that person taste.I like watches with roman number on it.It's more classical and high taste.. :D One brand that I fall in love with now is RICHARD MILLE.Have heard about this brand?I know this brand when Dato Siti Nurhaliza receive it as a birthday present frm Dato K.It cost about MYR200,000++!OMG!!!Mahalnyer mak datuk!But the handmade is superb!

Here is some of the collection that I wish I could have.. :D In your dreamla MakSu..

Huhu...If only I could get 1 of this... :)



Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Gud Day guys...
Somebody is playing the SILENT GAME again.Hmm..up to you.
The MOST important is I'm going to M.I.A from the ofc & everyone after this.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

~Adnan Sempit~


Dh tgk citer Adnan Sempit?Hahahahaha...Citer tu mmg LAWAK gilerla..Dr awal aku tgk spai hbs dok gelakjer...Si Shaheizy Sam berlakon mmg sempoi giler.Mamat ni mmg superbla klu acting!Watak baik jahat cunnn je dia bwk bro!Perghh...ckp pun dh mcm rempit dlmtu..hehehe..

Perkataan2 dan ayat2 yg xblh lupe dlm citer ni antaranyer ialah :

1 - Cikaro = Perempuan
2 - Bro & Ther = Panggilan yg slalu dipanggil antara geng2 si Adnan ni
3 - Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada highway = Inilah prinsip hidup si Adnan
4 - Dalam hati ada taman = Mmg xtahan biler si Adnan ucap ayatni pd Nadia.. :)

Saper2 yg xtgk lg citer better korang tgk.Mmg xrugi punyer..PECAH PANGGUNG ther!!!


~Mood Swing~

Slamat malam..

I still having my mood swing.Not become better but worst.Hate it!

Feels like wanna runaway from everyone n everything!For the time being so d**n lazy to go anywhere especially wz the ofc mate.Klu blh jumpe kt ofcje sudah.Klu nk ajak kuar ke ape tgkla klu aku nak.Unless if me the one yg nk kuar then blhla kuar sama2.If not,diam2 jela buat keje.

Ok,that's all.

* I am too exclusive to be seen anywhere*


Friday, March 12, 2010

~Pantang Larang MakSu~

Asslammualaikum wbt... :)

U see the pic above?Yupp..that's me now.Really d**n angry!

Utk post kalini MakSu nk tekankan psl pantang larang yg MakSu xsuke tp terjadi kt MakSu..

MakSu mmg xsuke klu org suke tanyer MakSu mcm POLIS.Klu blh a MILLION QUESTION nk tanyer!Ingat MakSu ni ape..???Pantang bukak mulut smuanyer SOALAN!Klu ikutkan hati yg PANAS ni..mmg dh lama dh aku tuttttttttttttttttttt!Nasib blh bersabar lg.Klu psl kerja xpe,itu MakSu blh layan..

MakSu mcm terperasan ade GAMBAR MakSu yg telah di "curi" secara syp2.Tak taula cmne cara dicurikan.Tp MakSu taulah bendani ade terjadi kt MakSu.Klu dh ckp xblh..SENDIRI MAU INGATLAH! ataupun LU PIKIRLAH SENDIRI!Sbbtu MakSu not allowed utk right click kt blog MakSu ni.Tp klu dicuri jgk..mmg TAK RETI BAHASA org cmni.

1 lagi,MakSu pun prasan mcm ade org meng'OBSERVE' diri MakSu ni.Ape yg MakSu buat online or offline taujer.Yang peliknyer hal2 on9 MakSu letak kt FB pun blh tau.Sdngkan "FRIEND" pun tak dlmtu.Huh!Mcm dh xblh nk buat apelak kt FB tu.

MOOD SWING MakSu latelyni xbp baik.Sesaper je MakSu blh lepaskan HANGIN nih!Klu dh tau angin xbaik,pandai2lah nk buat ape.



Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Here's the sweet..

I just love watching The Hills.U know why..?Because LC is in there!

Lauren Conrad or Hollywood called her LC even though she don't like it.I just love everything about her.Especially her fashion style.She really know what to wear n when to wear it.Whatever she wear its always suit her.From short skirt to legging,to t shirt,to long dress.She still look lovely..

I just bought her 1st Novel called LA CANDY.Not actually bought but ordered oledy..hehe..I ordered thru ebay just wait it to be deliver direct to my home door!Can't wait!I couldn't find one here that's y I decided to just order online.Habis cer!

If u want to know what the novel is all about, search on your own laaaa..hehe..



Sunday, March 7, 2010

~ \^^/ ~

Salam Ahad smua..

Arini MakSu keje ptg pkl 1500hrs..Srg2 je kt umah.3 Abdul blk umah Pantai,Ibu n Ateh blk Rawang ade kenduri.Huhu...bosanlak.Dhla srg2 lpstu ptg karang keje lak.Malasnyerrrrrrrrr!

Ingat nk ajak Ibu gi bfast kt McD pg td,tp bukak2 mata tgk Ibu dh siap2 nk blk Rawang..Uishh!Bru pkl 0800 lbh!Awalnyer,lupekanjelah..MakSu just bfast ala kadarje ape yg ade kt umahni.

Tgh relax2ni on9 la kejap update ape yg patut.Termskla blog ni.hehe..Next week MakSu dpt off 2 ari..Thu n Fri.Yeahoooo!!!!Bestnyer!Cptla ari tu dtg ek..Tp ade 1 benda yg xsyoknyer esk.MakSu kena msk meeting dgn SITA n PSS kt Longhouse.Aduhh...dhla En Azlan xde,Ariff mnite lak!Tensi tul!Kena pegi srg2 lak..Nk review psl UCS IHRMS laktu.Buatnyer depa tanyer MakSu mcm2 ape MakSu nk jwb???Karang klu MakSu blasahjer salahla plk.Eee..xsukela keadaan cmni.Huh!

Tgh dok updte blogni sbl layan tgk Jln2 Cari Mkn..Mak ai!!!Sodapnyerla si Serina n Zed Zaidi dok melantak!Terus berbunyi perut MakSu!!!Hmm..b4 pi keje karang tgkla klu MakSu rajin nk drop by mana2 kedai tapau mkn.

Latelyni mcm asyik teringat kan sum1 je.Mcmla MakSu blh dptkan.. :) Just keep on dreaming jela..



Thursday, March 4, 2010


Helloooooooooooooooooooo dunia! :D

Tak tau nk letak title ape,so belasahjela...Dh msk bulan March.Ape perkembangan MakSu ek..?Nothing much.Just kerja..kerja..kerja.Since dh msk shiftni mcm bz skt nk updte ape2.Even online pun klu ade masaje.

Still ingat post MakSu yg psl tawaran kerja tu?Npk gayanyer MakSu tak terima tawarantu.Mungkin dh tertulis rezeki MakSu dgn MAS.. :)

Latelyni byk hal yg MakSu fikirkan.Especially all things that surround me.Dgn perangai bdk2 ofc yg mcm2,yg bkn kwn ofc lg..mcm2 la.Kdg2 mcm bosanje nk tgk diorang smuani.Sbbtu MakSu slalu kuar dgn kwn2 skolahje skrg.Lg menghiburkan hati,even they all smua dh kahwin,dh ade anak tp still enjoy kluar dgn they all.Xpyh nk pikir psl A.S2 smuatu.Bosan!

Takpela..Biar kita ingat pejabat tu tpt kita cari rezeki bkn musuh.Tp sifat2 segelintir manusia tu yg kdg2 memaksa kita utk memusuhi antara satu sama lain.MakSu nk buat hal sdirije,as long MakSu xkacau hidup org lain..jgn org lain nk kacau hidup MakSu lak.Ade gak sejarah mungkin berulang nnti..bak kata Tomok..hehehe..

Ade masatu kdg2 just nk bwk diri kluar M'siaje..Tgglkan smua kenangan kt M'sia ni.Mulakan hidup bru di tpt bru,dgn kwn2 bru,tpt kerja bru,suasana bru.Sng ckp,smua brulah!Tp,kita kena fikir pjg..Kita masih ade family,kwn2 yg masih sygkan kita.Ikutkan hati mmg dh blah dh!Maybe smuani dugaan yg harus MakSu lalui..Insya'Allah MakSu blh lalui dgn tenang..

Oklah..dh mcm xde mud lak nk tls lg.Dh xde idea kut.Kita cont'd in next post ek.

See ya!


Monday, March 1, 2010


Hello guys..

I've started working shift this morning....huhu..0700-1500hrs.I'm so sleepy and sgt2 mls nk keje.Hate Monday!

I'm having a really 'blast' headache,flu,sore throat since yesterday.Telingapun mcm berdengungjer..Dr pg td keje mmg xselesa spaila blk.Sharp at 1500, I'm packing my stuffs to go back.B4 blk umah, aku singgah klinik dulu nk amik ubat.Aduh...dhla panas melengit!Aku dgn kpala berpinar2 nyer rasa cm nk pengsan berjln!

Tahanjela sbb nk amik ubatnyer psl.Spai2 umah,aku mkn jap sbb dr pg td mkn kuih 2 ketulje.Takde selera sbb xselesa nk mkn.Dh mkn,aku trs mkn ubat n Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...Dlm pkl 1900 ibu dh kejut srh bgn,aduhh...kpala mmg mcm nk pecah!Hidunglak tersumbat giler babas n rase mcm kena cucuk2.

Mmg dh lama xkena demam cmni..Last kena xingat biler.Maybe sbb cuaca panas sgt latelyni and aku tidopun xtentu masa.Dhtu last week byk minum ais lak.Lpsni kena kurangkan aisla lu tak mahu berdarah tekak ni!

Okla..xde byk benda nk updte mlmni.Td dh mkn ubat,so kpala dh mcm dizzyjer...

C u in the next post!
